original electronic music
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Notes & Process
Greetings (and salutations!)(This is beat #2, for the record.) To create this I recorded a beat using an Arabic drum kit sample, then recorded kick and snare parts. I recorded a chantlike vocal, and a lead synth part. Then I recorded a bell part, and a "pluk-o-dy" part. I used a pretty inefficient process to make this, where I recorded all the parts for the whole song, then later in volume automation reduced them to inaudibility during parts I didn't want them (for the main parts I just mentioned.)
Then I wrote a bridge using some different chords on a synth pad, and wrote a short vocal part to it. The lyrics are my dear Steemians. @d-pend here. I decided to try my hand at creating another electronic music piece. This one's got a bit of a different vibe! It's really fun getting back to it.
All is one, my life is gone
Or is it found? I linger on.
which speaks about the uncertainty one sometimes experiences as a spiritual seeker and the resistance of the egoic construct to dissolving into the everythingness. After that I recorded a rhodes part for the ending, and another vocal melody very reminiscent of funk tunes. Last I recorded some sound effects with beatboxing. Then I spent a reeeeeaaallly long time automating volume, panning, and other effects. I put flanger and phaser on the vocal parts. Last, I used the LANDR service to master it. And yeah, that's about it! I'd love to hear your feedback on it. It feels really good to be making music again, so I'm just having fun with it and getting my ear back in shape. I consider these "practice exercises" to improve my chops.
Tuning: A = 437 hz
Temperament: Equal
Tempo: 95 bpm
Key: F major
Length: 3:22
Music by
Art by
Cameron Gray
1 - "Transcension"2 - "No Matter Where We Dream"
Excellent. As a fellow composer I believe these musical compositions on one of your MAIN fortes, and I STRONGLY urge to to keep producing more of these. To add some incentive I have tweeted this Dsound page out as part of my ongoing Steemit Twitter marketing campaign. Here's the tweet : ~~~ embed:956823236649549824 and then I ReTweeted it via my profile. I hope to be able to tweet our MORE of your pieces into the future. Let me give you some of my expert marketing advice for how to best do this. Ideally, what you want to do is create a YouTube channel where you can upload these dongs (with a cover image for the video) and then it is much more easy and productive to share that video on social media (where it is embedded in tweets, and so you can play the video song right inside the twitter feed. An ACTIVE example of this is one of my client's songs "Ode To Satoshi" : I know how to do all of this stuff, so if you are interested in doing this I can guide you through the process. It's easy. Then we can tweet these FINE songs of yours on social media, and simultaneously help draw more people into Steemit by using Steemit related hashtags such as : #Steemit #dsound etc. Let me know your thoughts, and if you are interested in making this happen. I can help in VARIOUS ways on my end with the marketing stuff, while you provide the talent. Keep it up... twitter metadata: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 ~~~
I could be wrong, but I'd say your work is beginning to take off! :) Well deserved.
Diggin' the modal, otherworldly feel. These are some wonderfully fun tunes you have been working on. Can you shed some light on your process for creating the rhythm in this track?
OMG! D, this is amazing! It gave me the chills.
Oh! That's high praise! Glad you liked how it turned out :-D
I learned a lot from making it and used a much different approach than I have before.
I've been playing around of late and am having a good time letting the energy flow (lots of learning as I do not have any training and am just stubling as I go). Your musical past really shows here -- I hope you explore this more experimental avenue Much More.
#thenewBeatscene ;)
Thanks again for sharing this work with us.
Great job!! You worked a lot on this piece trying to perfect the sounds. My first impression was the percussion. I like the Arab sounding drum pattern. Those beats were from your synth?
Overall I see a transformation in your audio posts getting into a transcendental funk. "Linger" is holding us in a state just above the ordinary reality and then ends with fantastic ecstasy.. Oooooo...yeah!
Wow! This is good music. I can see that You are very talented @d-pend and i think that you can make a good professional producer.
Hey! What a nice compliment. I'm still amateur in many ways, but I appreciate it. I think I just feel dwarfed by my many talented audio engineer friends, lol. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day @akomoajong!
We sing from the heart, we write spiritual notes in the poetry of heavenly talent. Thank you for the beautiful poetry you write - It does not matter where we dream @d-pend
We commiserate in matters obstruse - they become commonplace in the quaint cobblestone - now the village has found its medicine man @dobartim
It turned out very nicely. Talented person, talented in everything. I really liked listening to electronic music, it seems to me that it comes from space, very beautiful.
Thanks very much @magnata. I think it did come from space - after all, we are all composed of cosmic matter - star-dust-hearted earthworms we.
Quick, QUICK!!
Gimme some mushrooms. This is all good with yummy and mind bending mushrooms!!
Get you some!
Hahah glad you dig the vibe @jgvinstl ;-)
The sound are wonderful, I prefer the Transcension
lyrics full of meaning
Glad you got something of substance from them @markop!
I am @babangsunan really like your post every there is your post I do not forget upvote thank you friends have shared things that visit my blog @babangsunan interesting i love you
From liking posts, all the way up to love... that accelerated pretty quickly, my bro-friend.
I already have fans of electronic music. But not heard much. Occasionally hear a little while.
Amazing post...
I don't know much about electronic music. This is my first time of hearing it. The song or music made me sleep. Like I slept off while listening to it. But the sound isn't bad, because any beat that makes me sleep off even when I'm very much awake is something special and awesome. Hope you'll enlighten me on this electronic music.
That's interesting @nwizu. Never heard the phrase used that way, "slept off," but I catch your drift! Glad to hear your impression. As far as electronic goes, as long as you have the electrons, and the ick, then you can make any strange synergy you like xD Gotta use the ears, is all :-P
Glad you think so @setukago!
I have to say, I'm impressed :) That was very nice to listen to.
Real happy to hear that @steem-samiam!
Oh i love ur sounds you do a excellent work
! - Great, glad you feel that way - !
Excellence is never an accident, it is the result of intelligent and continuous hard.
Thanks for the vote of confidence & respect. I reflect that respect right back atcha @realsteemian! Thanks for being a real steemian.
Lovely and expository, keep up the good work
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click here.Congratulations @d-pend, this post is the eighth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 379 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $11901.00. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,
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Just made my first post on dtube, had no idea anything like this existed haha. Pretty cool coming from soundcloud. Really nice art and music, check some of my tracks :) @d-pend
Congratulations, your post received one of the top 10 most powerful upvotes in the last 12 hours. You received an upvote from @dsound valued at 199.92 SBD, based on the pending payout at the time the data was extracted.
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@d-pend great new inovations! Love how you are striving to become even better than before!
Wow,, this is amazing .
I think your Post is for a big group of people very helpful!
Thx for making this Website for us!
Upvote when your in my opinion @alokkamboj
All the best for the future!
Darren@d-pend I just had to upvote this post and follow you! I'm also a musician, and this sounds great to me! Brilliant musicality and arrangement, coupled with those tasteful dynamics makes for a sure fire hit!
Great, I really like the keys and groove starting at 2:25, Weather Report in electro version ;)
amazing with artwork, music, sounds like your using healing frequencies
I just joined steemit, follow and I follow back and upvote
If you or and anyone else is interested in changing themselves and the world,
please join the FOOD REVOLUTION!
check my intro out....
hope you like :)
Thanks for all the details, very interesting work.
absolutely digging your style, keep up the good work my friend! Shout outs to Boone NC!
This is he dopest thing Iv'e heard in awhile
Hello! did you already decipher the code? // Wish you good luck and that you keep on harvesting successes but remember, everything is a dream :)
Love, love this! I somehow missed it 2 days ago! This is amazing - I listened to it twice while riding an exercise bike today and also again at home in front of my great computers speakers. I'll be listening to this one a lot! :)
This is awesomely inspiring! I've been wanting to try doing this for years but keep putting it off! I'm a guitar teacher and love music :D
Beautiful sounds :) glad to have found you! Another electronic music producer here, would be excited to see what u think of our sounds!
Your good to post, please check this dsounds