Hi friends, tonight I wanna release the mastered version of Babylon track, the older one had a low volume and the sounds in this one has more power and loudness and I tried to do it without over compressing the sound, hope you guys enjoy!
Peace and Love!!
► Listen on DSound
► Listen from source (IPFS) Artist : Davood Faramarzi (@davidfar) Title : Babylon
Excellent bro.
it's my pleasure, my good friend! :)
I love it, David! You're amazing! :)
Overwhelming and cozy
\m/ thank you bro! :)
This is so clear and crisp, I love this, filled ith eastern promise and love those drums.
thank you my friend Deon! :) always kind feedback
Wow this guitar sounds great. Reminds me of diablo soundtrack
Thank you so much gran-vegra! :)
amazing 👌 👌 of course, we enjoyed it, excellent bro keep it up
Fantastic as always!
That's Beautiful Sound! 🎵🎵🎵
the percussions on this song are straight from the Babylon, or a least how I imagine it. Did you play the guitars on this song?
well, all these notes are originally by myself, I dont have that instrument, its not Guitar, its more sounds like Divan or Baglama or Pazouki, those legato is exactly showing that this is not guitar :) LOL , and all these instruments are in Kontakt, ancient, I just clicked on notes and tried to make it sound real. and these meldoies just came to my mind, in one part you can feel the Egypt notes which I just thinking about it and then I just write it :)
thanks for clarification
I really enjoy.Brother @davidfar.... It has best sound and amazing lyrics. Thanks for sharing .
Wao very impressive music....
i like it....