It was my pleasure to include your article in this podcast! It's great to show other users what's possible with open source software, so I'm always on board for that.
As for bitmojis, perhaps I should start using mine more! They seem to fit in nicely here on Steemit. Perhaps you could consider doing a tutorial on how to get Bitmoji set up!
Again thank you, and that sounds like a great idea. Isn't the sign up limited to users of Snapchat or something like that? I can't remember if they let you set up your own account using an email address. They do seem to fit in will here given the personal level. We are all communicating via text for the most part, so a lot of inflection and implication is lost. The emotion and human visual helps people understand tone and such. Anyways, you are very welcome, I'll be seein' ya around Discord. Cheers!