I like the idea of free trade zones and places for liberty lovers to live, but I don't believe we should be secluded economically (a ship or small island). We should also be as independent as possible, so a single city is bad. Cities are dependent on outside resources to run. I want to go to a place where we have fresh water, forest, etc. to survive indefinitely without outside trade required.
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I understand your concerns. What I had in mind for purchasing a city, though, was more so just to be able to put many of the ideas into practice. There are definitely downsides to such a venture, as you have mentioned, but it seems that most people need real world examples in order to get on board with certain ideas. If a city was successfully purchased and run as a more free society, my hope is that it would encourage others to do the same and lead to a kind of panarchy spreading throughout, say, the USSA.
some people might argue Sandy Springs here https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=f8qFvo2qJOU or the FreeStateProject in New Hampshire for that matter.
That's not a bad idea. Have a bunch of people move to the same area, and once there petition the rulers to incorporate. Bam! You have a free trade city based on voluntary interaction.
autarky, absolutely understandable.