The third installment of my weekly Dsteem Rsound Mondays, Resteem Dsound Mondays or maybe monday resteem dsounds. I don't know I'm soo tired... day light savings is silly, How many countries do this? I've never understood even though I've lived with it my whole life... anyways I digress.
Resteem Dsound Mondays was born on a historic day a month or so ago when I accidentally resteemed something while perusing dsound with my laptop which has a hyper sensitive mouse. I said F it, went all in and resteemed some more that night and have now made it a weekly thing with a bit of a stupid podcast to go with it. I hop you find the humor.
Here are the tracks included in tonight's podcast. I highly recommend checking them out and following along to see what they get into.!/@myndnow/20180311t100718667z-in-the-background-gorgeous!/@danstatus/20180312t164815102z-viper-pit-instrumental!/@jeffleinwand/20180311t100425560z-vertigo!/@toddjsmith1979/20180310t160117386z-entering-orbit-by-left-hand-of-god--andromeda-dsound-exclusive-lp@toddjsmith1979
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Thanks a lot for including my track! :)
@illuminationst ..thats cool..sound is great especially when you are listening with ear pods in...resteemed.. thankyou
I enjoyed it, thank you, I also got on Steemit thanks to Todd, all the best.