I also made a revolutionary software....it used to print to the screen "Hello World"....it was revolutionary because after months of intense research I found out I could replace "Hello World" for any words I want, so I could insult people and tell it was the software. I.e, I have a friend, Miguel, that suffers from mental retardation....I told him: "Miguel, open this app", he did it and the app printed to the screen "Miguel, go f*ck yourself" and I told him it was the app that was insulting him, not me....that was a complex system of articial intelligence
Next we will have Dmemes

you missed dlive!! 😁
they have to create dporn
I also made a revolutionary software....it used to print to the screen "Hello World"....it was revolutionary because after months of intense research I found out I could replace "Hello World" for any words I want, so I could insult people and tell it was the software. I.e, I have a friend, Miguel, that suffers from mental retardation....I told him: "Miguel, open this app", he did it and the app printed to the screen "Miguel, go f*ck yourself" and I told him it was the app that was insulting him, not me....that was a complex system of articial intelligence
hahahah.... Wow!!! You are Genius Man!!! I wish That i could have learn those line of codes
the next will pe Dfuck ahahhaah