Sort: ! You could do a set or two. Let me know what you think! thanks.Hi @melissakellie we are looking for a musician to fill in a slot for half hour to an hour and wanted to invite you to

Following schedule: (UTC times)

12-1 am SteemStreams Musicians 1 Hour
1-3 am SteemStreams Open 3 Hours
8-10 pm SteemStreams Politics 2 Hours
10-12 pm SteemStreams Sports 2 Hours

Here is our discord if you want to talk!

You just got a Team NZ upvote!

This is a curation bot for TeamNZ. Please join our AUS/NZ community on Discord.

Why join discord room? Here are 10 reasons why.<

Enjoying the bump? Please consider supporting your fellow Kiwis with a delegation. How? Read here.

For any inquiries/issues about the bot please contact @cryptonik.

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Very beautiful

Your voice always makes me crazy @melissakellie 😊

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