Hey Listen…
Evacatour is on the tour
한국으로 들어왔다 문화 교환 언어 Style
(Back to Korea culture exchange, language and style.)
동양서양 대박 muchos (East and West so Awesome)
North Carolina Mountains Sing
한국까지 산들이 (to the mountains of Korea)
흔들 흔들 흔들 바위 모여서
(Shake it, shake it, shaking boulder meet together)
귀한 들이 얼마나 사랑스러워
(precious people so lovely) 도 (and)
Rusty, Rusty he’s got the beat rhythm and style
from the orient to the porch of your front door.
부르자 부르자 백성들이 (Let’s sing people)
한 마음으로 금 매들 (With one heart a gold medal) Hey!
윤성빈 (Yun Sung-bin) You the man. Iron man. Skeleton!
엄마와 아이 까자 힘들 때 하늘로 보고 감사해
(Mother and child in times of trial look up to the sky and give thanks)
Evacatour on the tour
한국으로 들어왔다 문화 교환 언어 Style
(Back to Korea culture exchange, language and style.)
This is just the best thing that has happened this week!
Thanks for your encouragement Rusty. Good luck.