
this is such an un christmassy Christmas song that i cant help but enjoy the flavor you have given it!

Lol! Well thanks, girlie and Im happy you enjoy it ! 😎

Hi @paintingangels Nice post

Nice comment, man. I love ya so much.

Thanks for you like my comment, but someone downvoted on my comments I don't know why so I'm very nervous

thumama you will find leaving a comment that reacts to the contents of the post gets you better results.

Hey friend.. it's because many of the comments you post say "nice post" but not much else and your blog posts are mostly pictures with few or no words. You've most likely been assumed to be a spammer. Sucks but you can reverse it by leaving longer comments and posting valuable content. I wish you luck. Much love to you. ❤️

You said right that my post did not get much written because my english is not as good yet i will try to write something better

Thanks friend I will try my best in my future post