Sometimes that happens with dsound, (and dtube) not sure why... I always try to add a second link to another site just in case that exact thing happens to someone.. so at the very bottom you'll see one to reverbnation..
Would LOVE to hear you harmonize with me! YOUR voice is outright blissful. ♥ Thanks Andrea for listening! ♥
@paintingangels @p4ragon should totally do harmonies... By the way I hope your throat is doing better, :) hugs! ohhh plotting those harmonize a steemian again :) XD
Still not able to sing...😢 had a sudden nosebleed twice today...

I'm so done with this infection!!
The other link was doing nothing either... so hubby went to our provider today and we're getting faster internet.
As soon as I can sing again I'll be all over that song. 😉
Yay! More internet!!!!! I added a soundcloud link now too.. I'd just sing it outright to you if I could .. lol.
I just listened to the whole thing. I totally love it. 💛