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RE: Serena Matthews and Priscilla Hernandez: Moon Hanging Low (Duet version)

in #dsound7 years ago

Thank you so much @pechichemena @silentscreamer @globocop @maverickinvictus @simgirl @zyx0666 @bluefinstudios @yosicrespo @zen-art @meno @passion-ground .. to all who commented that I've missed.. thank you thank you.. and Priscilla, my sweet sweet friend, my faraway sister.. i love you and this is perfect. ♥♥♥♥ I can't say the right words to thank you, and also for "Fly" .. just both of them make me so happy.

You are so special and talented.. your magical voice, the dreamy flute, your dancing-perfectly-with-the-rhythm keys and that angel harp.. I can't believe one of my songs could sound so full and colorful and magical.

Also! Your production skills are top notch, you should be so proud. Brilliant!! ♥

Proud to know you and SO SO grateful we are friends.
♥ -Serena

p.s. Here's a little video clip I shot of the moon hanging low here in Tennessee one night.. I think you can appreciate. ♥♥♥

Thanks again!!!!!!


This is an awesome collaboration!

Aw SO MUCH LOVE BACK! your song was perfectly full and magical without me Serena, but it was nice to lull under the same moon hanging low.
I feel blessed too :) ah thanks for the video, looks a bit like the cover right!