That is such a great notion.… “leave room for God”. I loved that book Eat, Pray, Love and is probably what has inspired Dandays and my first destination to be Indonesia. Thank you for sending me this video @edprivat. Ole to you none the less, although I see that glimpse of divine in you often.
I also think if we all thought more in this manner we’d be much better off. The propensity for us to nurture this systemic narcissism is only perpetuated by these beliefs of self importance, self success, self glory that we glam onto as if it’s the only thing that matters in the world. We often forget that it’s much more satisfying to give away than to receive and not taking every bit of credit could very well create some safe space for the creative mental well being to remain in tact. Thank you for sharing this Ted Talk with me Ed.
Ole, ole, ole!
"The propensity for us to nurture this systemic narcissism is only perpetuated by these beliefs of self importance, self success, self glory that we glam onto as if it’s the only thing that matters in the world"
I often just call that "being evil", i know that it's probably very simplistic but it is the very foundation of the church of Satan, the cult of Baphomet, I know it sounds probably ridiculous in 2018 to use a fabricated daemon to explain the concept of narcissism, but in some way it's much more vivid as we can see the next generation being "possessed" with vanity.
I don't belong to any religions , I believe that they probably all come from the same source, but they all have the same concepts.Good and evil, like two natural forces that oppose each other.The yin and yang, as above so below,etc...
Sometimes I see a "Ole moment" and I am in awe, but sometimes I see a glimpse of the devil in someone's behavor, which brings me to the next questions.
How many gods are influencing our decisions? Is there a god for sport?for cooking?for art?a god that makes you fart?
Food for thought!
I once read this old Indian tale that goes like this:
A chief elder explains to his grandson that we all have a light wolf and a dark wolf residing inside of us. They are constantly fighting, in a battle with each other.
The grandson asked which one will win and the chief elder said “the one you feed”.
I think we all have both good and bad in us, ying and yang, dark and light but the one that shows to the rest of the world is the one you’ve fed to be stronger.
Great metaphor, , @puravidaville, and something important to keep in mind!
That's an amazing metaphor, and easy to understand, the wolf is my totem animal, I like to think that our dog is a wolf too :)

Yes! Look at them all ready to go be dogs. Is he a malamute or a husky? Beautiful best friends you have there. Dogs were put on this earth to show us what unconditional love really is. They are truly the best!
He is a husky but he does look indeed like a malamute, especially how large he is . His eyes are blue though !
They are our besties, last week the husky ate something and nearly died in front of us we rushed him to the ER, this is crazy how I don't deal well with emergency situations, I freeze ...
THey couldn't find out what was the problem just an acute gastro, he was fine the next day though. Big fright!!!
Aweee what did he eat? Dogs are just the kindest souls and such an important member of our families especially for little kids. We all react different in chaotic situations, I tend to get very calm and in ‘handle business mode’. It’s much after the fact that I will process my emotions surrounding it.
Dandays and I always see husky’s at the dog beach with there owners trying to chase them down… they just want to go. Haha. Beautiful family members you have there :)
"Dandays and I always see husky’s at the dog beach with there owners trying to chase them down… they just want to go" hahaha so true, that's why we can never be sure of what he has eaten, such a free spirit!