► Listen to Rok Sivante's "Blueberry Haze" on DSound
Not much to say here - gonna let the music speak for itself.
Perhaps a little return to the rock/bluesy influences, this feels more like a "jam" than a "song" - although the right vocals could change that. A rather interesting fusion of organic drums and some futuristic synths, this sounds like something unto its own - and there's something about the swagger of it that's just irresistible.
(My wife's awesome feedback: it'd make a great soundtrack for the Donald Trump & Kim Jong Un meeting. Really woulda been sweet to see a "music video" of THAT! Ha.)
Without further ado... grab your best set of quality headphones and/or throw it on the stereo... and enjoy the ride!
Really awesome job done and i want to say that this music piece is so epic. And my imagination while listening this music was like the greatest music used for the opening ceremony of sports and teams are entering on this music on the ground. And currently the FIFA World Cup is going on and this music reminded me of some opening ceremonies of Previous FIFA World Cup.
And one more thing which i liked is, we can feel an traditional essence when the drums were sounding and that is giving an great tribal essence and also boosting the spirit.
And we want to see more work because your work is professional and your music can give an chance to travel with the time. Most of the time we stay away from the music but in my opinion if we surround our self with music then that will make the lively essence.
Thanks for sharing this music piece with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
This song speaks a lot, filled my mind with thoughts of never before, very sensational and mind blowing and also cool, wow, I'm really getting to love dsound also, keep it up Sir.
I like this saying that action speaks louder than voice, allowing your music speak it all is the best, all you needed is just the matched title that befitted it. Ever listen to some of your song, I know this without turning yet will be amazing with your sonorous voice. I'm streaming it live now, so melodious with powerful rhythm. Keep the good work flowing man.
@rok-sivante music is the deep feeling of soul where a toddler baby can dance without any teaching, so the young will glow up by music. The @dsound is same like that is the soul of music on steemit.
I'm sure gonna love this... Hmmmmm
Also - not sure if you saw/heard the last one, though I partially have you to thank for that one coming together and appropriately made mention of your contribution... :-)
Loving how frequently this upbeats are coming our way. :)
By the way, the beatz also make a great soundtrack for Donald Trump and Kim jong's un meeting
loud music with strains of tone full of stories, I do not understand music even though I enjoy it ...
First, i will follow your instruction, am grabbing my headphone, will drop a review after listening to kt @rok-sivante
Still short of words by this awesome, brave and inspiring lines. I can feel the vibes and the story the sound is saying. How i wish i can voice on it @rok-sivante.
Will place it on repeat, got to feel the vibe more
i don't know too much about music. for me, music is something than make me relax to reduce stress and sometime as e media to excite emotions. i will not choose this one for those reasons. Sorry rok i have to be honest. but it's okay, there will be much more who will love it. no mean to insult your work. i just say what i feel.
No insult taken. Everyone has their own tastes. And I know it’s dope, regardless. Lol.
nice to hear that from you rok.
I tried to download the previous one. The Milestone other spaces as I’d love to do a Freestyle on it but it wouldn’t let me I only tried on my mobile phone tho.
About this I must say , your beat gets deeper and deeper everyday. This is another one I’d love to do something on. I look forward to my first work with you. Thanks for sharing. Much respect ✊
Hit me up on Discord and I’ll send you there...
Roger that sir ...
I typed in your name in the search on discord but nothing came up
I sent you a friend request, but this is what I get when I tried to text
No disrespect, I’ve not been able to get a hold of you on discord. Kindly take your time to check if you can get through to me . No disrespect sir
Can I hit you up too? ;)
Good work, I loved the music. Gets me pumped up while I'm eating lol
Interesting rock music, I started to find a good rhythm after the first minute. Continue to work sir ... I hope your music world is fun.
Hello rok-sivante, kindly permit me to share my observation with you, I noticed that your voting power is currently low and your upvotes are worth around 2$ at the moment, and according to what I found out, your voting power can give upvotes worth 7$ if fully charged up as shown here

this is what it could be
this is what it is now, it also shows that it will take 84hours to recharge
I honestly appreciate what you do for my friends and I and I thought that if you could turn off the auto upvotes for a while so you could charge up, it will benefit all of us even better, please I do not mean to sound ungrateful or greedy in anyway, your help and generousity will forever be cherished in our hearts.
thank you
If I turn off and charge up, it’ll run back down quickly, so really doesn’t make much of a difference in the end.
Yeah, you might get $7/vote in a four days, but you’ll miss out on a few other votes in those days off, so balances out. No added benefit to you. And in those days off, it’d probably spark more worry as to why my account is voting for the people I’ve selected and create the hassle of them asking and me explaining.
This explains it perfectly, thank you again. 🙏