After pondering the podcast for some time now, I have two sets of thoughts.
On the business side of the discussion, I think the whole CTTC™ [you like that?] could do amazingly well. Even as much as I've doggedly build up my business over the past almost-10 years, there's still a lot of crap that gets in the way (or more accurately, that I allow) of me doing more, or better. I'd venture to say for you as well...and everyone else working for themselves. (And likely still applicable to everyone!)
On the personal side of story and background is amazing. And even if others haven't been through some of what you have, there's so much they can pick up from it. It really is inspirational.
Frankly, I'd love to hear both. Maybe alternating? Maybe split each episode? Maybe just play around with the format and figure it out.
Sent friend request on discord to chat about it some time!
Just LOVE your input @scotters!!!!! And I think that is precisely what I will do.... "wing it" ;) hahaha!
Will respond to your request in two secs :)