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RE: Acoustic Sessions | la balada de Bonnie Parker

in #dsound6 years ago

En primer lugar, me encanta la guitarra y el trabajo acústico en todo. De hecho, los primeros golpes de la guitarra me hicieron querer quedarme y escuchar cómo se desarrollaría con el tiempo. Me alegro de haberme quedado. En segundo lugar, la letra y el canto son simplemente perfectos; No puedo decir mucho ya que no hablo español como mi idioma principal. En tercer lugar, los ruidos de fondo, como el revólver girando y silbando, me recuerdan a las películas de WILD WILD west; pero sé que el significado de eso está en un nivel completamente diferente (¡por amor, por supuesto! :D). Por último, todo encaja bien y puedo sentir todo sincronizado.

(Firstly, I love the guitar and acoustic-work all throughout. In fact, the first strikes of the guitar just made me want to stay and listen how it would develop all throughout. Glad I stayed. Secondly, the lyrics and the singing are just perfect; can't say much since I ain't a Spanish speaker despite having my comment providing Spanish as well. Thirdly, the background noises like the revolver spinning and whistling just reminding me of cheesy WILD WILD west movies; but I know this is its own thing on certain different other levels. Lastly, it just gels well all together and I can feel everything in sync.)

¡Sigue jugando y feliz steem-ando! (Keep on playing and happy steeming!)
Pretty good.gif


Thank you very much for staying to listen to it, it is one of my favorite songs and I put a lot of effort into getting a good sound. The composer of this song is inspired by those western films and songs, even the style of playing the guitar has that intention.

The whistle is essential for the melancholy of the song, as for the sound of revolver it is a percussion instrument called VibraSlap.

Welcome for the comment!~ ^^
Thanks for the information and thanks for sharing the music to the whole wide internet~