you said it really well Trevon, I know what it's like to be hated with such sincere vicious venom.
I've had people for years trying to pound me off of social media just because they didn't want me on there because people were posting lies about me on the Internet that they didn't want me seeing.
It's funny that people tried to get me off of their because I already saw their lies, their hate. And these people did all of this because they were jealous of me, they did it because they did terrible things and I didn't. They're mad because they slept with one another, a.k.a. cousins kissing cousins, and I didn't do that. It's unfortunate and it's sad but that's the way life goes.
So just make sure you hang in there because I know from experience that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, I've been dealing with it for eight years now nonstop but I'm still here, and the best thing to remember is to show people that you are not going anywhere. I guess that's just me though I'm quite stubborn
.So don't let it get to you Trevon, I know that's impossible but just remember words and empty threats show how hollow those people feel at the moment they throw their pain at you. I've learned that so many times over the years, but what's funny is that karma is a Bitch! and trust me I have gotten to see the people who have tried to screw my life over so badly over the years they end up screwing themselves over because they try too hard to screw me over.
(Picture is from last month)Whats up man! I contacted you on Discord a while back now and showed you my Macbook Pro with the crypto prices on the touchbar. Think we both got busy and never got around to setting yours up. You can add me or just tag me in your group @btcvenom#6875
For as much knowledge you've given out for free, everyone should have no problem forgiving you. I've gained so much valuable information on trading, alt coins, etc. Its not even funny.
@hansomnews it was not only learning, but also having fun and laughing a lot all this time... @trevonjb is definitely one of the funniest dudes on the internet! Loved all those "smell the armpit" moments in his old car videos hahahah
Exactly. Thank you. All these people who wanna blame Trevon James for THEIR choices? C'mon people... that's lame af. Not even to mention the fact that, as you said, Mr. James has given away soooo much free info, AND BTC--what about all that? And don't even get me started on the racists... good lawd.
This is a cool idea. It gives me something I can throw on and listen to while I'm working. I like the idea of podcast. Maybe you could expand and have conversations with other whales.
Don't trip or get down on people getting upset about you switching up your interests. You will still have a group of supporters who will follow you because you're still bringing value.
I have nothing but praise for you man. You helped me personally. Got me into crypto. Showed me how to get around in crypto and really started my interest in it. I dont think anybody should be upset with you. I love what you do and what you have done. Forget haters. Haters hate you cuz you beat the game. You made money. Enough for you to give your kids a good life. Haters will hate cuz 🎶they dont like to see you winning🎶
Love everything you do and more people should be appreciative of the time and information you give to us
trevonjb made a living off stupid people, nice on him. dont hate the Player "trevonjb" hate the Game! stupid people need to stay in school, go to work and stay off the internets.
Changes coming for the Bitconnect system - Halt of lending and exchange platform This is to inform all community members that we are closing the Bitconnect lending and exchange platform. We are closing the lending operation immediately with the release of all outstanding loans. -bitconnect GAMEOVER 2:51 PM 1/16/2018
I was thinking the same!
I had said I’m gonna listen now and I saw other comments pop up 2 min later saying it was great when clearly they didn’t listen yet
I was like wtf? Is it released early somewhere else ?
This is one of my biggest issues here on Steemit.- don’t get me wrong, I have very few issues with Steemit but the unthoughtful spammed comments are the worst. The damn “this best post ever- I like post so much-you are great at post” lmao... It’s so disrespectful to the authors.
I remember seeing you doing the vids on the way home from work and you were saying "maybe i should quit my job" and i would shout at the screen "yes Tre you should quit that fucking job, it's hurting you and you're smart enough to make the jump, so jump!" but you kept going back there for another week or so. And then i remembered i wasn't watching a soap opera or The Truman Show, this was your life. And I didn't shout at the screen anymore. Big respect for you. Stick to what you know, being a good man supporting his family. And forgive me if i look like i'm blowing smoke up your ass, i'm not, there's just too little authenticity out there.
This was honest, do what you want, say what you want, and be what you are, yeah the haters pop their ugly heads up like a zit ready to pop,
Keep taken care of your family and finish your Cyrpto Castle, and jam on Trevon,
You got the drive and smarts to become a big blue whale,
Remember Captain Ahab tried to harpoon the great Moby D, that didnt turn out so well, your an Orca if your not a whale ... I am a hatching
Minnow steeming towards mammal status!
Love your posts and have given me so much
Much appreciation!
You're on the most well known and acknowledges Dtubers (is that how it's called?) and this podcast is a great fucking idea... And also, don't worry about them haters, there's a lot of people who worship your work and we thank you for that. Do what you want and don't care what others think. Peace bro!
well good to listen you in dsound first time and good to share your opinions on btc ltc doge steem dash and other some thing if you dont mind we understand you in dtube easily and feel free on dtube with you @trevon
Why you are sounding so emotional and low today?... Take it easy @trevonjb ...Just ignore the negative comments...True, You must start smart and safe again with the best crypto platforms....
Recent follower of your “words of wisdom”; just remember you can please some of the people SOME of the time!! Keep it up, whatever you’re doing works!!
yes steem blockchain is more good than all oters and its a brilliant platfarm and i sure that this blockchain will be more valueable from all others and NEO is more attractive coin now in these days and today is also in green with up to 10% rise up good to talk on crypto in dsound @trevonjb
Successful Send of 250
Sending Account: cgbartow
Receiving Account: trevonjb
New sending account balance: 1768
New receiving account balance: 249
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: b9ccdfbb56f9124d322f9adeccc7d232ef7eeccd
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.
Successful Send of 250
Sending Account: cgbartow
Receiving Account: trevonjb
New sending account balance: 1768
New receiving account balance: 249
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: b9ccdfbb56f9124d322f9adeccc7d232ef7eeccd
Thanks for using POCKET! I am small bot and I am running this confirming code.
From ~$30 to $350 by rebranding without any real objective other than to use as currency lmao...yeah right... I rather invest in a project with real objectives and an MVP (minimal viable product) such as ICON or Wanchain
It may better to day trade BCC with the spike in volume of trades, other than that, BCC is a complete shitcoin
"Listen to me or fuck off" That's quite clear talking there, but you were honoust man! Steem is my plan and I am sticking to it! The best advice you have ever given man!
People are always gonna hate on you. You've made too much money. That's the way riches work. Theres a reason Jesus said being wealthy makes it hard to get into heaven. Riches make people set a target on your back and despite all their crap, and lies, and hate that they send your way, you still gotta somehow let it slide...
You deserve better but sadly it ain't coming. I appreciate your advice and content and Im sorry you take so much crap.
I appreciate your content as do many others. Hopefully that is some encouragement.
Bro! Do more of these podcasts, its motivating and i love having something to listen to while im doing some drone work...keep up the hustle man I remember a few of you guys just starting up with crypto and im proud of you all for focusing on your self made work...truly inspiring I cant wait to have my financial freedom
Don't even stress about it bro.. It's crazy how ppl are on your d*ck when your pumping their bad for them or when your giving them 2k btc give aways but hate you when you keep it 100. It just do what you do an dnt stress fam.
I just finished listening the whole podcast man! Don't care aboy the haters, you know people say haters gonna hate always. They are just jelous about the other people's life... You have so many people you helped! You inspire me every day with your videos, you make me set up my goals higher and higher ! Thanks a lot Tre !
HEEEEEEEELP!!!!! I can listen to the podcast, but I'm unable to log in with my username and private posting key... is anyone experiencing the same issue? it is still in beta right...maybe a bug?
Dont trip, just keep doing you man.. I was able to move my BCC to coinexchange to sell them.
Your on Steem so obviously you care, shake off the haters and let them disappear. SHAKE THEM OFF!!
my bed luck..i alwys wait for ur support@trevonjb
looool "stop swingin on my dick doug" worth listening until the end for the Trevon James karaoke of the Doug theme song
you said it really well Trevon, I know what it's like to be hated with such sincere vicious venom.
I've had people for years trying to pound me off of social media just because they didn't want me on there because people were posting lies about me on the Internet that they didn't want me seeing.
It's funny that people tried to get me off of their because I already saw their lies, their hate. And these people did all of this because they were jealous of me, they did it because they did terrible things and I didn't. They're mad because they slept with one another, a.k.a. cousins kissing cousins, and I didn't do that. It's unfortunate and it's sad but that's the way life goes.
So just make sure you hang in there because I know from experience that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, I've been dealing with it for eight years now nonstop but I'm still here, and the best thing to remember is to show people that you are not going anywhere. I guess that's just me though I'm quite stubborn
.So don't let it get to you Trevon, I know that's impossible but just remember words and empty threats show how hollow those people feel at the moment they throw their pain at you. I've learned that so many times over the years, but what's funny is that karma is a Bitch! and trust me I have gotten to see the people who have tried to screw my life over so badly over the years they end up screwing themselves over because they try too hard to screw me over.
Howd you do that ?
For as much knowledge you've given out for free, everyone should have no problem forgiving you. I've gained so much valuable information on trading, alt coins, etc. Its not even funny.
This kind of reaction is to be expected when you give out financial advice. Once people start seeing losses, they start seeing red.
@hansomnews it was not only learning, but also having fun and laughing a lot all this time... @trevonjb is definitely one of the funniest dudes on the internet! Loved all those "smell the armpit" moments in his old car videos hahahah
For real, he gives out so much knowledge and support its ridiculous people are criticizing.
This is image killed me 😂😂😂
Exactly. Thank you. All these people who wanna blame Trevon James for THEIR choices? C'mon people... that's lame af. Not even to mention the fact that, as you said, Mr. James has given away soooo much free info, AND BTC--what about all that? And don't even get me started on the racists... good lawd.
@trevonjb really cool! Dsound also works within the STEEM blockchain like DTUBE? thats pretty interesting!
This is a cool idea. It gives me something I can throw on and listen to while I'm working. I like the idea of podcast. Maybe you could expand and have conversations with other whales.
Don't trip or get down on people getting upset about you switching up your interests. You will still have a group of supporters who will follow you because you're still bringing value.
Speculating on crypto doesn't help crypto get where it needs to be, agreed.
But it sure helps some cash out healthily.
I hope you can dampen peoples' expectations of infinite price growth and help them avoid getting burned.
If there's one thing the guy pinned down on that wood hated, it's the money-changers and profiteers.
Edited because LOL @ that quicklike title change. Words were falling on deaf ears for sure.
most people out here should not be investing in crypto. if you aren't able (or willing) to put up with the swings, you need to leave.
Seconded, tons of people are wholly unaware of the risks.
I have nothing but praise for you man. You helped me personally. Got me into crypto. Showed me how to get around in crypto and really started my interest in it. I dont think anybody should be upset with you. I love what you do and what you have done. Forget haters. Haters hate you cuz you beat the game. You made money. Enough for you to give your kids a good life. Haters will hate cuz 🎶they dont like to see you winning🎶
Love everything you do and more people should be appreciative of the time and information you give to us
Alright 👍
Gonna rock this podcast right now!
trevonjb made a living off stupid people, nice on him. dont hate the Player "trevonjb" hate the Game! stupid people need to stay in school, go to work and stay off the internets.
Changes coming for the Bitconnect system - Halt of lending and exchange platform This is to inform all community members that we are closing the Bitconnect lending and exchange platform. We are closing the lending operation immediately with the release of all outstanding loans. -bitconnect GAMEOVER 2:51 PM 1/16/2018
Amazing how people listen to your entire podcast 2 min after you posted the video...
Cmon people....
I was thinking the same!
I had said I’m gonna listen now and I saw other comments pop up 2 min later saying it was great when clearly they didn’t listen yet
I was like wtf? Is it released early somewhere else ?
I assume it’s people just fishing for votes. Kinda a bummer! But indeed I’m enjoying the podcast as I type this! But not even finished yet
This is one of my biggest issues here on Steemit.- don’t get me wrong, I have very few issues with Steemit but the unthoughtful spammed comments are the worst. The damn “this best post ever- I like post so much-you are great at post” lmao... It’s so disrespectful to the authors.
I agree!
It will take time but I have faith many will be vetted out and give up. Till then it’s a battle
Very true...good point @geneeverett!
I remember seeing you doing the vids on the way home from work and you were saying "maybe i should quit my job" and i would shout at the screen "yes Tre you should quit that fucking job, it's hurting you and you're smart enough to make the jump, so jump!" but you kept going back there for another week or so. And then i remembered i wasn't watching a soap opera or The Truman Show, this was your life. And I didn't shout at the screen anymore. Big respect for you. Stick to what you know, being a good man supporting his family. And forgive me if i look like i'm blowing smoke up your ass, i'm not, there's just too little authenticity out there.
The more success you have, the more haters you're going to have.
Just a sad fact of life.
People's jealousy takes over their correct thinking.
Don't let it get you down, man, it's just life.
Just know that there are thousands of people following and listening who have a more positive attitude.
This is exactly right. I always heard, and believed: " If you don't have any enemies, then you're not doing something right."
This was honest, do what you want, say what you want, and be what you are, yeah the haters pop their ugly heads up like a zit ready to pop,
Keep taken care of your family and finish your Cyrpto Castle, and jam on Trevon,
You got the drive and smarts to become a big blue whale,
Remember Captain Ahab tried to harpoon the great Moby D, that didnt turn out so well, your an Orca if your not a whale ... I am a hatching
Minnow steeming towards mammal status!
Love your posts and have given me so much
Much appreciation!
Steemit Jesus has returned! Praise be the steems!

Seriously though, just keep doing you and the real peoples will be just fine with that and the rest can just head on!
This is amazing haha
You're on the most well known and acknowledges Dtubers (is that how it's called?) and this podcast is a great fucking idea... And also, don't worry about them haters, there's a lot of people who worship your work and we thank you for that. Do what you want and don't care what others think. Peace bro!
well good to listen you in dsound first time and good to share your opinions on btc ltc doge steem dash and other some thing if you dont mind we understand you in dtube easily and feel free on dtube with you @trevon
am always a big fan
I love all your stuffs
They are really helpful to meAwwn 😔, so sorry about that @trevonjb
Turns out you did the right choice selling all your altcoins! They dropping and Neo and Steem looking good! Keep going and keep us updated! ;)
Damn Dsound is very clear bro,dont mind what the haters say,we have a short time to live...hence dont mind the haters.
Oh yeah. Favorite podcast makes a comeback :)
Why you are sounding so emotional and low today?... Take it easy @trevonjb ...Just ignore the negative comments...True, You must start smart and safe again with the best crypto platforms....
Everyone's going to be your friend when you're making them money. As soon as they see a loss, well then that's lights out.
Recent follower of your “words of wisdom”; just remember you can please some of the people SOME of the time!! Keep it up, whatever you’re doing works!!
yes steem blockchain is more good than all oters and its a brilliant platfarm and i sure that this blockchain will be more valueable from all others and NEO is more attractive coin now in these days and today is also in green with up to 10% rise up good to talk on crypto in dsound @trevonjb

Im not asking for forgiveness. listen to the podcast..
hahaha really @trevon they dont watch or listen full and start comenting to see the title of post
its like ppl think you want them to forgive you...bwahahah
I love how a podcast last 14 minutes, and there's 40+ comments now 14 minutes later.
Really interesting...
If not "Fuck off" hahaha Savage. lolol
Steemit, DTube, now DSoung.... you're really planning on taking over this blockchain.
Just found out about you! Good thing you are moving into steemit, enjoy your stay here because it will be very profitable for everyone! :D
pocketsend:250@trevonjb, when they are mad they are thinking about you its good to be thought about
Successful Send of 250
Sending Account: cgbartow
Receiving Account: trevonjb
New sending account balance: 1768
New receiving account balance: 249
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: b9ccdfbb56f9124d322f9adeccc7d232ef7eeccd
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.
Successful Send of 250
Sending Account: cgbartow
Receiving Account: trevonjb
New sending account balance: 1768
New receiving account balance: 249
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: b9ccdfbb56f9124d322f9adeccc7d232ef7eeccd
Thanks for using POCKET! I am small bot and I am running this confirming code.
Whoa tre!
For your YouTube video today on BCC:
From ~$30 to $350 by rebranding without any real objective other than to use as currency lmao...yeah right... I rather invest in a project with real objectives and an MVP (minimal viable product) such as ICON or Wanchain
It may better to day trade BCC with the spike in volume of trades, other than that, BCC is a complete shitcoin
"Listen to me or fuck off" That's quite clear talking there, but you were honoust man! Steem is my plan and I am sticking to it! The best advice you have ever given man!
I guess this means you'll need to change your tagline, no?

Recruiting people to participate in a pyramid scheme is a felony crime in the United States, and is punishable by up to four years in prison
People are always gonna hate on you. You've made too much money. That's the way riches work. Theres a reason Jesus said being wealthy makes it hard to get into heaven. Riches make people set a target on your back and despite all their crap, and lies, and hate that they send your way, you still gotta somehow let it slide...
You deserve better but sadly it ain't coming. I appreciate your advice and content and Im sorry you take so much crap.
I appreciate your content as do many others. Hopefully that is some encouragement.
Blessing and peace to you.
Bro! Do more of these podcasts, its motivating and i love having something to listen to while im doing some drone work...keep up the hustle man I remember a few of you guys just starting up with crypto and im proud of you all for focusing on your self made work...truly inspiring I cant wait to have my financial freedom
everyone that is successful has haters bro.
The end should be the "fuck you haters anthem" lmao
nanananannna nanananannaa nanannaananana!
Am I the only one having trouble listening at with the iPhone?
Don't even stress about it bro.. It's crazy how ppl are on your d*ck when your pumping their bad for them or when your giving them 2k btc give aways but hate you when you keep it 100. It just do what you do an dnt stress fam.
I just finished listening the whole podcast man! Don't care aboy the haters, you know people say haters gonna hate always. They are just jelous about the other people's life... You have so many people you helped! You inspire me every day with your videos, you make me set up my goals higher and higher ! Thanks a lot Tre !
That is a great idea just believe you will do great and believe in yourself
Will check this out before I crash tonight. 👍
Success breeds hate so you must be doing something right.
nice to see u again mate
I like the idea of podcast.
HEEEEEEEELP!!!!! I can listen to the podcast, but I'm unable to log in with my username and private posting key... is anyone experiencing the same issue? it is still in beta right...maybe a bug?
Me when I see the title (Triggered) XD