
Congratulation yidneth! Your post has appeared on the hot page after 32min with 42 votes.
Thanks to @souldelas.

Wow, what an amazingly deep and profound song. It's you right at the core of your soul and doesn't let go the whole way through.

So many different little but big stories are playing out in the video with the words. Awesome, you have a beautiful voice and a wonderful creativity!! Thank you for sharing!!

Thanks for the lovely encouraging feedback. :) and glad you found the different storylines int he video... that's precisely about it... storytelling and hopefully reaching!

Yes if you can't tell the proper story I find it is just for show then becomes something like a fad not art.

Your ability to translate your complete vision from your head to song to video and beyond is incredible, Priscilla. Thank you for sharing with us all.

aren´t you sweet? Thanks always for your support Samantha, really appreciated!

You are very welcome, my dear!

I love this "darker" versions of you. You are beautiful and lovely in any shape and form and very talented. 💚

I read before your article about your totem animals Zen, still must leave my feedback to it, but just to tell you I love your feed ! :) you'll find my love later on :)
Yes I'm both ghost and fairy I guess, even the title of the albums says so :)
no need to split apart!


Fantastic stuff, well done, I really liked the music, I don't understand spanish but the sound of Your voice and the images from the video clip was enough to make huge positive effect! I read the translation after :).

Thank you. I do not usually sing in Spanish though it is my native language because I find rhymes more difficult. But lately I am inclined to do more. I added the translation because of that though guess some details are lost if not understood in sync with the video I am happy the message is conveyed

Great work Priscilla! Beautifully shot! Love the makeup and wardrobe work.

This video was done among friends and the make up was fone by talented fellow friend and designer Alassie from El Costurero Real. We collaborated several times and always a pleasure to team with her.

I love that you build worlds for your music. You're such a talented artist ❤️

My favorite part is the look that Fate gives us at the end - like she knew what she was doing the whole time.

;) of course she knew
She had a soft spot for happy endings

great post with amazing detail and creativity. i loved the spanish !! yes, share more :)

I was watching this video a couple of weeks ago and was so enchanted with it.. it's so beautiful, all of it. And I love your mysterious make up and all your dress , and hers..and his clothes as well. Everything you do is dreamy, even when darker. Always there is the light there.

Wow these are beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing.

SMA time!!! amazing stuff!!! would love to send you some instrumental tracks at some point to see what you think!!

Aww thanks very much :)))) see you next Wednesday on Needle? :)

Your music is INCREDIBLE!!!

Aww, thanks, that's very kind and encouraging!

I had to come back after the radio show to see you video! So well done! You said on the show you might be releasing some darker material soon? If so, I'm looking forward to it!!

Aww thanks, in all of my cds there is a fairy half and a ghost half. So I have a collection of spectral songs too lol. In the new cd same thing. But yes maybe time to show my darker self soon
I like creepy whispering.

Yes! That's an excellent concept and so much cooler than the angel and devil theme. I love it. I'm excited! I love everything I have heard so far ♪\(^▽^)/\(^▽^)/

What an amazing piece! Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much for the kind words

Me encanto, realmente maravillosa, y que buena produccion en el video, tienes mi voto!

I'm still waiting for you to bottle some of that talent ... :P

Awww thank you :* I will save some for when I doubt about it like everyone else.... Thanks for the encouragement

Ame la letra de la cancion, es muy romantica y nostalgica y el maquillaje es increible. Nice work again girl!

Gracias, me alegra mucho que te haya gustado, por una vez comparto algo en mi idioma también, aunque mi acento es castellano. Se os hace raro?

You never hold back with your music, with your post, and with your art. THank you for always producing awesome work. Thanks for sharing on the show too! <3

Another beautiful song! Love the video very cool! So creative. Upvoted :)

Super cool post, have you tried selling on iTunes?

I have several official albums that are on itunes and spotify also digital on my site and physical, they are all illustrated booklets. I could live entirely from music when people still used to buy cds, digital sale earnings are scarce and unfair to artists. That is the truth. I sell also my digital and physical with no intermediates. But check "Priscilla Hernandez" it is official also on google play, amazon... etc I have been in music for almost 20 years and have a back story off chain ;) and yidneth is the name of my label.
The one I am most proud of is The Underliving
The hopefully new one will be Fear no More.
Here you can see the editions

oh i saw this video a few times! its so beautiful! you have such an amazing vision, you are living the reality of your fantasy.

Thank you anka, lately I've been thinking about doing a new song in Spanish but I struggle to rhyme in my own language can you believe that?

You guys always amaze me with your video creations. Whole worlds that we can dive into whilst listening to your beautiful music! Even the credits at the end are awesome! It's a really great touch!

Aw Nathan, thanks, this is one of the few videos that I haven't done with Héctor... these are all my friends in Barcelona, my geek tribe, Alassie is a talented photographer and designer, Gala made the photos at the end, Serval directed me, Sergio and Carlota, and overall it's an exercise of enjoying creating something with people you admire as friends and artists too... sort of co-working. The recording is old and in my taste a bit outdated, the thing is then I had not the microphone at home and I had to go to a studio to record the vocals, and you know, studio time, go, record, that's it! maybe a second take to choose from...
And well, looming being bland (I'm very short sighted and fx lenses had not prescription) and wearing fake nails is not EASY... the laughters of that part when I remember gets me anytime :) thanks for stopping by!

Ah! My silly assumption! Sorry.
Well, you and you friends created a beautiful piece of art here. Everything you touch turns to sparkling fairy dust. Love it!

I remember listening to your music on Soundclick a long time ago! Great to know you're on Steemit too!

Oh my soundclick I mudt check if there is still old stuff there lol seems ages ago, and lol. I then created a label and released some albums. Still active, steemit adventure is recent though. Thanks for remembering me 🌱🌱🌱🌱

I was on bandcamp with my music too, but it will close at the end of this month, so I got to move everything elsewhere (dsound is best candidate).
I remember your song on soundclick "I steal the leaves" :)
Please take your time to listen to my new track here

your feedback would be appreciated!

@yidneth.... the spirit and energy behind this song is so overwhelming..... love it.....

Thank you for the lovely feedback. An oldie, companion in many shapes

Very beautiful, I missed this, great job, just saw and heard your work now, its amazing, and the music video is also perfect, you have a beautiful voice!
great piece!
peace! :D