Jerry, I do not think I got paid on a post, it says I did but it NEVER CAME IN THE WALLET!
"Author Rewards History
19 hours ago 40.467 SBD, and 9.702 STEEM POWER for bradleyhicks/grand-opening-steemitchocolate-com-all-prices-in-sbd"
THATS what it says, but if you look in the wallet transactions NOTHING IS THERE! I do not see where I am making a mistake I checked 5 times, but maybe I am stupid. PLEASE HELP, I just donated $1,000 to jeranism trying to promote steemit and I needed this payout. Thanks and PEACE and I have learned so much from you, sorry for spaam, I did not know who to go to.
It was bradleyhicks acct, he is my brother and not so up on this.