
Walls of text are hard to deal with, I guess.

Try answering the questions that matter. The in between not the part that you are a “ceo” NOT working with a white paper and taking peoples delegation without one. LOL
Can’t wait to see what happens the rest of this week and next when people finally realize what they signed up for.

NOTHING SIGNIFICANT that can happen that I haven't already prepared for from day ONE that can stand in my way or my goals and aspirations. You on the other hand, can continue to voice your little concerns all you want and not sleep over this dumb shit. Remember I'm also a person and can only take so much of it. So, unless you have something of value to offer or are willing to reach out and help with anything, please stop spamming me and following me. This is true for anyone else reading this that never knew of me, interacted with me, supported this project or showed their genuine interest in anything that I have been doing on my blog. You are NOT my friends or someone I owe my time to.

Still questions or nasty statements with nothing to show for it. Down to 400 sp ... lets see how “little concern” taking money from the reward pool is .. Steemians aren’t as dumb as you think they are.




In actuality, not losing sleep at all ...

The rest is history as they say.

Is there no white paper? Then, has been there no white paper for dStors?

Posted using Partiko Android

There was one but since dcommerce split off to do their own thing dstors is now stating they do not have an active white paper so no one can hold them to anything. 😂🤣 so upvoting their own posts the past twoish months and not showing anything substantive is “ok.”