You say this about second layer (which itself is an unsure statement.)
There's no one project that's going to elevate HIVE out of the rut it's been in. The only way to get Hive and this ecosystem growing is to offer a way for businesses and communities to form and thrive here.
Yet you actually don't give much hype to this (which is, imo, the only way to gain viewers and methodically achieve user uptake.)
We've created a mobile app version of Beechat we're calling Beechatter. We're working on submitting it to the android store. It's a chat application with some wallet functionality. You'll be able to check your balances, talk to your friends, and transfer tokens right from your phone on the go.
Shit man how did mainstream connect so many people globally? I wonder if mobile social had anything to do with it. It's a little embarrassing that after 4 years and a dying token that people here have finally realised how important social is... with a mobile friendly/focused experience.
Of course it's not so easy though.
DIVI is a project which thought it was easy but still has no real product for public. The added WALLET element which deals with money might be their hurdle, since they are an an American team.
Anyway providing ability for users on mobile to easily drift into crypto and then connect with their networks (both already here and outside the system) is what will drive migration into Blockchain. Once a sea of eyes are in, then projects have true ability to shine. Not this what is here now. Release something for 10 people to notice and 2 to commit.
You don't need to be a genius to see the logic in that.