I do agree with this !
In addition you hinted at 5% fees for swap, did I get this correctly ? It seems a lot even for the convenience. But oh well, people might still use the service for convenience 😉
I do agree with this !
In addition you hinted at 5% fees for swap, did I get this correctly ? It seems a lot even for the convenience. But oh well, people might still use the service for convenience 😉
I can't guarantee the fee, because a good portion of it is based on the spread available on the exchange. If there are lots of market makers it should be 2-3% total.
Understood ! I thought this was a fee you charged in addition to the already wide spread. Makes absolute sense then.
Thank you 🙏 for the quick answer.
Now we're talking! Although hive-engine alone could also get some love in this matter :)