Testing out dtube for the first time! Really surprised by how far it seems it has come since I checked it out a long time ago. Really excited to see it continue to develop and be used by more and more people over time!
In this video I've compiled some kills from recent CS:GO games. I usually play with the Steemit.com tag in front of my username to "get the word" out there, now and then I play with @strawhat who also uses the tag. :)
Hope you enjoy the clips!
▶️ DTube
Drive ids advancing day by day , I love it
me to
Have you really found fun in playing, and what difference for other games ???
I also........and please help me
Send Bitcoin Over, Already have $500 from steemit alone.
este comentario ha sido eliminado disculpen las molestias ocacionadas
Please don't SPAM... take a look in this before hurting your reputation.
I followed :)
Me2 i follow any Who Will follow me :)
followed, feel free to join :D
follow 4 follow m8
Good to see dTube is able to handle the load. It was choppy there for a while.
It would be great to see a clan of steemit in the esports
He is quite a rager don't beleive this video lol
Good thing voice chat doesn't get recorded! xD
follow me and follow you go
Hmm, i'll have to try dtube some day. I noticed it has a embed option. It still has a ways to go however. Nice gameplay btw @acidyo ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
May I contact you at facebook or twitter?
Thank sir
dtube might make it into the big boys league pretty soon...
It seems like it can gain traction as long as many people rally around the dtube platform. The economic incentive is the same as Steemit. If it gains user adoption the users win more exposure and more money flows to the content providing users. All could make content/create income.
Increase the number of users related to the degree of pleasure in playing, and their sense of difference for other games!!!
Do we just need more users for that or what?
Of course, when you increase the number of users, it raises enthusiasm and increase the degree of pleasure among them!!!
follow me and follow you go
Counterstrike was one of my favorite games in high school. I used to go and sit at the back of a net cafe with a bunch of dudes (I'm a girl) and play lan with them, I owned them so much & they never knew it was me. I love this game! I was in an all girls clan at one point too lol. I should get it again, my friend has been bugging me to DL steam, and I've been bugging him to join Steemit lol. Might see you on there one day! Having trouble loading DTube but i'll come back to watch it.
Let me tell you, it is not appropriate to be at the expense of your interest in studying,Particular in the chapter, is not it???
I´ve bought cs 1.6 in steam just to remember the good old days!
follow me and follow you go
When I tried Dtube a couple of weeks ago, it was very slow, but this time the video started immediately. Not for long, though, as buffering keeps happening. The page looks nice, though. I think, given enough time, dtube might become a force to be reckoned with.
My favorite shooter is Battlefront, I haven't played it for a while as life is keeping me at bay, but I love the Star Wars maps and easter eggs in the game. I am going to try out Tom Clancy's Division today as it has free weekend on Uplay and contrary to the reviews, I hope it will be fun. :D
I hope it will improve over time.
It should! It has amazing potential.
That's cool. I guess you're playing match making? - What's your rank?
DMG atm. ^^
I see! - Well, we all can't be Global Elites, right? ;)
I've played CS since 1.5 actually. With some breaks obviously. I think I have something like 3,500 hours in CSGO. - An awesome game! :)
Damn! Nice :D
I've been the rank above this one as highest for a short period. :P
Back in the day I preferred MOHAA instead of CS. ^^
Medal of Honor, allright yeah, I've always been more into CS than any other game. CS is my type of game. :)
so true
Indeed! Great work @dtube! It no longer gives me those pesky errors when uploading videos. And it uploads quicker than Youtube! Amazing!
I hope Dtube keeps expanding. the first time i saw it I wasn't impressed but after taking a look today, I can say it has come a long way!
It will for sure !
Please don't SPAM... take a look in this before hurting your reputation.
I am not spam
i like cs and i think you're advertising

Good Good....
Great job @acidyo.
Looks like alot of fun. I never played cs go before but back in the day I was really big in to CSS
I love CS! Played Counter Strike Source for years and CS:GO after that
Hey, do you know whether there is a limitation in length for videos on DTube?
If you add some commentary it would make it much more watchable :) it know it was just a test but just saying
So how is this game compared to Battlefield or Call of Duty I've always seen people playing it and my fiance's cousin plays it a ton Ive just never really tried it out I guess LOL
you need to aim better,more realistic I think, IMO
good job @acidyo.
With what purpose is the video posted?
Whats the purpose of anything? lol
Of course, to excite and enthusiasm and bring more fans, are you with us ???
Never played Counter Strike (before my time) but those are some cool kills. DTube has really come a long way in a short time!
Dude, that's great. A really great work
yes, really interesting. I also like to play games.
After that I played, and how I found it ???
Yes, the recent updates have made dtube a lot better than what it use to be.
Excellent, this motivates you more, with a lot of fans and followers!!!
Exelente... Quiero Probar ese CS.GO
I love this game
What specifically raises your interest ???
Dont we all lol
We could play together sometime? :) I like to play Cache and Mirage mostly, I loved the old Dust_2 but the new is shit :(
Yes, this stimulates both play, and will be more than her fans
I'm not sure what do you mean with that?
I love this
Great work @dtube! It no longer gives me those pesky errors when uploading videos. And it uploads fast !
yes really excited to see it. I saw your CS:GO game video., your videos are good
hahaha yes i love things like this.
Since I am in love with CS since 1.6 this makes me happy :D
It seems like you love Cobblestone :) If you want to,we can play CS:GO together.
We show them the community of Steemit! :)
Thank you somuch for the amazing content. People like you @acidyo are what make steem worth something.
Sup shooter McGavin
Dtube is my favourite most of the time I enjoy it .Thanks@acidyo
Thanks sir for your good post..i always follow your post..resteem it,please check my profile
anyone can tell me waht is the Dtube ?
The Dtube about page can do it !
Wow, that's cool I love it! :)
Interesting game and on going progress. Thanks for sharing.
Good post friend
Thanks for sharing
Süper video. Oyuna zaten soylenecek söz yok. Öğrencilik yıllarıma geri dondum. Final zamanı bile kendimizi bu oyunlardan geri alamazdik. I love @dtube
CSGO, Kill it with fire.
Cool, thanks for sharing this post. i'll have to try dtube some day.
Cs Go is is so much fun to watch
Thanks for sharing !!
yooo I love counter strike! specially when im playing with friends its like the best competition in a computer (i mean... for me : ) )
i can't wait to "test " D.Tube with our (GaminGHD) 700 videos and with our daily videos :D but those 700 videos are only made in the last 2 years
That's awesome brotha.. I've been trying to get my brothers and friends to upload their game play on here!
How did you find the fun ???
@acidyo you have done a great job here, looking up to you, pls follow @ayemmanuel and upvotes. Thank you.