
Ron Paul was America's last hope at having a full on freedom and liberty loving president. Isn't this old news now though?

Yes, this is older, I am archiving all of my old videos onto Dtube and the blockchain! Did you see that I am running in 2020?

Trump and Paul and Drudge and Jones are helping the USA and the world. We are in it together. We go against Rothschild, Soros, Clinton, Obama, etc.

Ron Paul was the spark that got our attention.We've grown and now Adam is going to ignite the fire. Hope you are on board! #kokesh2020 #localization #LPdelegate

Book downloaded.
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I'm really surprised that no one like Ron Paul has emerged since the Good Doctor ran for president. There are a couple who sort of sound like him, but none share the commitment to principals like Ron. Sad.

You've got my vote, Adam!

I don't know what's the type but I just wanna like :D

It's a good day to be alive and get a front row seat for all this magical Freedom stuff.

Upvoted my friend well done for sharing this post

If you have trouble viewing, please watch here:

Vimeo helps, too. What happened to Vidme?

Ron Paul is very educational.

I am libertarian as well,I hope You are.Ron Paul is still better then random politic even if he was crazy.

Ron Paul could have won if not for vote tampering , media manipulation . He was the most popular at that time .

Adam, have you thought about getting more into the crypto-space? You could make enough to fund a small presidential run by getting in on an ICO and bring a decent amount of awareness to a good project. Ending this new BS ruling by the IRS that every trade is taxable would get you a lot of support.

Have you looked into NEOSCoin? They're supposed to be releasing a working v3 platform the end of this month. It will be essentially decentralized web servers like this. I'm hoping someone creates a secure messaging chain with an app soon. All this tech and it has somehow not yet occurred.

You've got my vote in 2020, I haven't voted for a major party (outside Ron) in a POTUS race yet.

I'm in incline of fact surprised that no one as soon as Ron Paul has emerged back the Good Doctor ran for president. There are a couple who sort of sound furthermore him, but none portion the loyalty to principals with Ron. Sad.

Reason #1 - He's not freaking running, dude!

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We are just starting out, so any donation would help promote free speech on steemit. Please send your donations to @politicscurator .

I gain my inspiration from you,your post is powerful

I forgot about Adam's list at the end!! What a great bonus. My fav #4! Omg, hahaha!

Kokesh is harsh on Obama here and criticises him for the detention of Chelsea (then Bradley) Manning. Given this was 6 years ago, it's worth mentioning that Obama had Manning released from prison. Credit where credit is due?

The main reason for not voting for Ron Paul were the racist newsletters that came out under his name.