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RE: Hang Out With People You Disagree With

in #dtube7 years ago

Here is a suggestion: when you come across something that you don't agree with, walk away. Then, some time later, when you are feeling more curious, look into it. I call this letting the mental barrier unlock, and getting back to it when you are ready to really listen to the argument. I use the 'Jesus was not a Jew' argument as an example. My knee-jerk reaction was always 'that's stupid'. Then, one day, I decided to give the idea a listen, and I discovered that the argument wasn't at all about what I thought it was about, and that, from the genealogical perspective being used, there is an actual argument there. BUT, you have to put aside your initial knee-jerk reaction and listen to what is being said - and that, my friend, sometimes takes putting it aside for a while until you are ready to listen. If people put their differences aside until they felt ready to give the repulsive idea a real listen, we'd progress as a society. Unfortunately, potty-mouthed radio talk show hosts have trained everyone to shout down anything they don't want to hear. Too bad. There are a lot of interesting things people could learn if they would just look at ideas they automatically think are nuts. Of course, some of those ideas are nuts; we need to look at them, though, in order to know that for sure.


Wow... That was a, very good suggestion.
As a personal development junky, and as Ace Ventura would say... that was B-e-a-utiful.
Great representation of perspective.
Our initial perspective can be a huge misconception of what is really possible.

Great comments. Thank you. You hit me with the radio talk show hosts. I like to listen to talk radio when I drive and over and's just an hour of bickering about the same thing ad nauseam with no clear compromise or growth. There are so many topics to cover in the world to delve into each day....and only one is chosen. Makes me nuts.