Will US Let China Beat Them in The Blockchain Space

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

Do you think the USA will let China beat them and get the edge on Bitcoin and blockchain technology I mean it is hard to say I mean but I've been around the world for crypto been to personally I've been to over 40 to 45 countries and 35 of them were that well last year during a crypto World Tour syrup I've gotten a chance to really see how people are using black gene in crypto Bitcoin and everything all over the world and what I can say is the USA is definitely behind there behind the game

I'm very concerned the only way I can see them really catching up is if they is president steps in and that's something and that's really the only way right but I mean the other countries are ahead of the game right and and China now right the president what's his name is she she paying something right with him saying blockchain is a top priority for China I mean I think the USA won't go down without a fight they definitely do want to maintain their reserve the to maintain the dollar as the reserve status as a reserve currency but I mean if I was a betting man I mean even Rome crumbled right the greatest empires of all time always end up crumbling not nothing lasts forever right Rome crumbled I mean Great Britain crumbled somebody else talking to I think I know also an article about this so what they're saying is the u.s. is basically Great Britain back in the 20th century in the name after World War two when Great Britain was the biggest empire in the world right there were king of the hill then they had World War two they went broke from just fighting the war and then America rose up and replaced them and became the biggest empire in the world but now people are saying that towards for the next for the rest of the 21st century China is going to be become the new America the new big empire in the world and America is going to go down the same way the UK did all right I could possibly sing him cuz China has been growing like like crazy in the last 20 years the growth in China

I went to China with cue coin I was blown away they have you travel in China and you will see cities you've never heard of size of New York City all right we want to chain do I never heard of Chengdu in my life and Chengdu is the size of New York City you go for blocks and blocks and blocks nothing but skyscrapers I mean sure maybe did that is just smoking pollution they're everywhere but I mean they have big cities you've never heard of that are huge like I mean China is massive and there's a ton of money there a ton of money there right China's Shanghai Beijing I Shenzhen I mean China is loaded right so shut up the kou-kun for giving me the ten-year Chinese visa right so I'm definitely gonna go back but yeah I think China is China is on the is on the up-and-up China is trending up while the u.s. is trending down right we have the cutting interest rates several times I think the only way really right not to get too political right I don't know I'm not really a political person but I've been following and react a lot yang Yang after he was in consensus right I was there I didn't see him speak but when I heard that doors of president different candidate at consensus I was like okay this guy is pro crypto okay maybe this guy can tell the SEC and the US and all these organizations to hurry up because because we're gonna get left behind right now

I'm not really Pro Texas yeah I could see strong attacks like this he's trying to do the Amazon that tax what I mean what we need is lobbying in the US if we can get a presidential candidate whether Andrea angle whoever to really be Pro crypto go in there change the rules and everything and make it a lot easier for adoption then the US can catch up but if that's not gonna happen it's tough right kinda lucky like in China that's what happened China right China was banning crypto whatever here and there but now the president said stop right now we're in on crypto right I know our finance and some Changez got there their way blue accounts bad or whatever right so seems that still has some stuff tempted to sort out but overall though it starts at the top the people at the top say hey we're done with crypto we're down with the coin in blockchain that's what has to happen so until that happens in the US right now China is in the lead as out

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Many argue that china is just doing all the dirty work while the US continues to sit back and wait. I don't think that is the case, US has no clear outlook on regulation so their stagnant approach will hinder growth in the US

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Without a doubt

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