That's it! I've DECIDED. I am going FULL TIME STEEMIT and FULL TIME DTUBE. Words can hardly describe how good I feel so I made a video explaining my reasons and challenges.
It can be a dream coming true, and if it works for me then it can work for anyone else, and anyone can earn a full time salary here, just from blogging good quality content and adding to the steemit community. Isn't that wonderful how many options the free market provides? The only thing I see that people often miss out - is the effort and quality that they provide. You have to put effort in everything and posting good quality helpful content that helps people.
When I was first introduced to cryptocurrency’s I knew straight away there was a massive opportunity sitting in front of me, I was also annoyed at myself because I had heard of bitcoin before but never researched it. I have been on Steemit for one year and 6 months, but I was just loving the people, the community and of course it helped me in tough times.
Anyway I decided to take the plunge for the first 6 months and see where this could take me. I live in London, which is a very expensive city, and has super high taxes, so I am aiming at producing good quality content and working with @promo-steem and @starkerz and @stephenkendal to spread the word about Steem and the community. I want to make content just for Steemit, educating people how they can use it, what they need to do and so worth. I have already brought a lot of BIG youtubers and amazing talented people onto Steemit, which I will continue doing.
I loved my Job in the kitchen and social media, but it brings me no income. For last 4 years I have been just giving everything for free, working 16 hour days to produce amazing videos, recipes from my pocket. But I am looking for the financial freedom and ability to work anywhere in the world, and still doing what I love. Steemit has already changed my life, so I want to take further risk and make it full time. I have also created a second Steemit account with my partner in crime @ivargereiko and its called @bearandbee. If you want to see a lot of behind the scenes, crazy stories and traveling vlogs - do follow us there, we will do our first intro post very soon!
I’m going to commit myself to creating content of all forms for the site every day! I have already started a new 30 day fitness & health challenge, where I will do 3 SUPER HEALTHY recipes a day for everyone, breakfast, lunch and dinner all within calories you can eat and still lose weight and I am exclusively doing Fitness vlogs for @dtube every day. I am also panning and organising the Steemit lessons, I will talk about that in more details in few days. But If you missed my lessons before, and you are new to Steemit, you might want to check out my old article of all my Steemit lessons combined here :
I am still learning about crypto currencies, but I have amazing friends who are helping me all the time @wingz and @demotruk have been so amazing, thank you! I want to use Steem and other cryptocurrencies as leverage to become a better person and help in the creation of a better world.
Thank you for reading and for commenting! Please share, upvote and let me know your thoughts! Alla xxx
▶️ DTube
This is indeed a very brave decision. One I've consider countless times but yet to get myself to do it. But the longer I blog the more I see a better future here than in any offline job.
I remember going all in to buy STEEM on bittrex in December because I really believe the future of steem. I've definitely not regretted it. Can't wait for the launch of SMTs either.
I hope to follow in ur footsteps soon.
I too want to be a full time Steemian but currently am having a bit busy schedule and I being a dentist professionally will be posting all the 7 days content regarding oral health and am hoping that it will be a great contribution to the steemit community.. Thanks
Do not see how you could live off this from my point of view I have only went negative in value since i joined :(
You should consider joining @shadowbot then. The pool is helping me since day one on steemit and it's quite useful so far. I think sunday is minnowbooster day, so you could directly profit from it. It's easier to work together ;)
Good decision taken bro
I like your post
Hello sir
steem is by far the best media source of cryptocurrency
it really takes a lot of endurance to go big on steem - i agree with you
but one must take some action at a certain time in its life and just DO IT
congrats for all who did it - i plan myself to reach that level at some point in the near future
thank you so much!! yes i really believe in future of steem or i wouldn't invest !! heheh and def not gone full time! :)
Well done Alla! I am sooo proud of you! You are so humble person and brave enough to take risks, no doubts great success to come! All the best with your Steemit profile grow. Your content always outstanding and extremely interesting and helpful and inspiring for others. Also I am so excited a lot about our @bearandbee channel :) xxxxxxxxxx
heheh thank you so much Ivars!! it means a lot!! I am really scared, but I have a good gut feeling and if I put all my energy into this like i did with everything else, there is a bright future!! :))) yes our channel @bearandbee will be super cool and exciting!! I cannot wait!! :))) xxxxxxxx
my gut feeling says: good decision :)
All the best, Alla!
hhehe thanks so much @shaka!! :P
You have been doing great here in Steemit. You will be able to accomplish this! :D
I'm super jealous! I think this is a great decision if you can work it, and I'm sure you can. Working from home and being your own boss is a total dream.
@allasyummyfood people like you actually inspire me to follow my dreams as well, I used to be a YouTuber for quite some time but the site is going downhill fast, you inspire me to beacome one day too a full time DTuber! :)
aww thanks so much! yes exactly its really falling down!! @dtube is the way!
It's true, we're entering into the days of DTube stars!
Nice post. You are beautiful
All the best alllas
very usefull
Your post is very very much 😘😘
you just made 9 dollars on one comment :)) nice.
I never knew you were travel addicts too. @bearandbee sounds like a fun project.
yess exciting :)
Hi Alla, you are one of the 1st I followed on Steemit when I started 3 months ago. These were quitte exilirating 3 months!
Professionally, I am an independent and earn my living via multiple streams (Teaching and tutoring late teens in real life, and online, composing music and selling licenses, and producing video courses in music production and physics).
Then, Steemit came in and takes now about one 3rd of my time. This fraction is increasing week after week. I am starting to be cautious, and make sure it doesn't eat too much on my other activities. Epecially real life ones.
Why?? because life is impermanent. I believe strongly in a bright future for this patform, but one never know what can happen.
When I write here, I write for the Steemit community. Yet, I do keep my posts in html and all pictures safe on a hard drive. I make sure that what I produce here could be useable in another context. For example for you, I would compile all your receipes. Your posts could be a great starting point to write a real physical book!
In other words, do not place all your eggs in the sme basket.
Be well, and keep posting your yummy content!
Heyaa! aww thanks so much! so glad that steemit has become part of your life and yes you are right you never know. but in life we dont know anything anyway, so each decision is always a risk! yes i should do a book! i will think about it! its great idea!
Cheers... Posting in series to explore in depth a theme allows that. I think I am going to extend this book idea to me also with the series "Diamonds in The Sky".
As the title suggests, I explore with the reader the different places diamonds can be found in the Universe: planets where the most common rock is diamonds, another article where you can swim in a sea of liquid diamond, another that explores the possibility of massive diamonds the size of a planet ... All descriptions are based on scientific data I researched. I was quite amazed myself! With a little re-organisation, that seems very "book-like" to me
We should create a Steemit paper format edition company lol!
Yayyy!!! This is super exciting and probably also means that all we're going to talk about at home is Steemit. Haha Love you and support your every decision! xX
aww thanks so much babe!! yes more steemit talk every day! hahah woop!! xxx
Congrats Alla!
I totally remember what it was like for me when I quit my job because of cryptocurrencies and with the intention of working on Steem a lot more than I was doing already.
I share your excitement and apprehension!
Steem on! You're doing awesome!
I'm glad to be part of this with you!
thank you so much!! yeah so you quit several months back and how is it for you now? You are such inspiration!!! :))) thanks so much!
Things are awesome!
It was better when Bitcoin was going up but hopefully this is simply a correction before the whole market start going back up but it still awesome and I wouldn't change anything.
yeah i know!!! hurry up bitcoin :) hahah!
Bold move! Wish you luck! Following you now.
That is a very brave. I think its a great Step .
Best Of luck :)
What a great plan! I'm sure you can make it because you provide valuable content to the platform. You enjoy what you're doing on Steemit. We can see that and for that you'll succed.
boobs really do attract upvotes
Well done for having the courage to make this decision, best of luck with this next step on your journey!
Congratulations on making the big move over to full time Steemit and DTube content creation. I have a feeling you'll be perfectly fine! Who needs a job...?
hahha well its still a job! dedication, production, communicating building relationships :) not just post and magic happens :P
Best lack for you! :D
Wow it such a warm response to this post, I wanted to say MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone, who supporting @allasyummyfood . You guys are so awesome, I wish everyone huge success! You all are amazing people!
aww thanks !i am really overwhelmed with the response, thanks everyone!!! I guess time will tell, but feeling the positive energy and vibes!!!
Yea, the future of the world is cryptocurrency!
excellent post
Good luck.
Congrats! Much success to you!
Congrats young lady As saladoni said I believe you will be a brand. I took a decision similar to yours at about the same age for similar reasons. Trust me you are doing the right thing. I stepped out as a young man and borrowed 6,800 USD and turned it into a 24 million dollar company in 16 years before selling out and retiring. I try my best in inspire young people to have that winning spirit. You will never be happy working for someone else and winners win. I ve had a nice little run in crypto the past 9 months and did my homework on Steem. I joined this site less than 3 days ago and its been pure pleasure for 3 days. I find this relaxing and if it ends up being a money making thing that would be great. I do believe in Steem and soon as Poloniex gets the wallets sorted will send some more here. Congratulations and never look back. Winners win has always been my saying. You did the right thing!!

wow i really admire you for turning 6.800 into 24 million dollar company! that shows a lot and its incredible! total inspiration! I am hungry and I hope I will get to that level one day! Any tips you would like to share? i know you have just joined, but let me know and we can speak in steem chat! :))
If you wake up every day EXCITED to make something happen it will. If the day comes and you do not wake up thinking of a new idea or excited then do something else. One thing is for certain, and that is working for someone else will never get you to where you want to be. Thanks for replying. Its exciting times.

Yeah, everyone lives an unique reality, and it takes time to figure it out. In Steemit, I'm not doing so great, but elsewhere, in some other projects, I'm starting to see some modest results. :)
Your response is GOLD @democratsonly!
All the best @allasyummyfood.
yes i am always excited!! thats a good advice! i know exciting times!
thats a great decision taken. hope the target is achieved
@allasyummyfood well done, good move ! I can't wait until we do some collaboration. I think it's the good movement to follow what your heart is telling you. Definitely good choice ! I'm looking forward to see you grow even bigger on steem. Congratulation on your choice and also your 10k followers
thank you soo much!! true following my heart!yeahh i cant believe it! didnt even have time to do a ten k followers video yet :)
What exciting news, Alla! I say go for it girl, you got this!!!
thank you so much sweetie :))))
Looking forward to following your posts :)
Congrats to your decision!
You go your way and you follow your feeling of happiness and freedom.
That is awesome and I am happy for you to see your positiv results here on Steemit and hopefully for other Steemians also!
I wish you all the best in 2018!
Live your dreams and keep posting!
your @mynaturebody 🌱
I follow you already, so upvoted & resteemed!
I saw your video and I think you are making a right decision to go steemit full time.
I'm a new comer here , been here for a week now & absolutely loving it. I think it will beat Youtube & other social blogging sites with a really big margin in years to come !
I love blockchain technology & steemit is a one awesome blockchain eco system booster. It will bring cryptocurrency to the masses & in future more & more people will join steemit.
I love ❤️ 💕 💗 💖 your accent Alla 💐🌷🌸🌺 & followed you for future guidance 😊
heheh thanks sooo much!! and welcome here! yes I really believe that too!! :)
You are welcome & thank you so much Alla : - ) 🙂
STEEMIT fulltime - it's a dream of many people, I think. It can change the world.
Thank for the post
YES, Alla!!! You know what, I totally understand that you might feel like your putting all your time and effort into something again, but this time it will be worth it. I think you've made this decision at the right time. I'm very proud of you and i'll support you as much as I can. Re-steeming this! X
yeah i really hope so!!! thanks so much hun!!! its really exciting and im coming up with tons of ideas as well! we shall see ;))) hehehe xx
Hey Allas! @allasyummyfood... you lucky fashion cute girl leader! You really know how to get the knife on the right food =) I think you have made a really AWESOME decision on dumping youtube... and I completely understand the risks involved (although not being a social rev from it).
But in a resume, your stake is deeply hard-printed on steem already, plus you get all that glamour that everyone is seeking while looking for quality posts about food. I bet you will be around for a long time. And if that means you need to make a living from this... so be it.
Supporting people like you. Bring more of that gorgeous girl you are and show us all you really are here to make this happen!
This is all Fantastic!
hahha thanks so much :))) we shall see what happened!! i will def be around a long time and im not going anymore :)) yes i will be :)
Good luck, Alla!
thanks so much Rea!! xx
I would like to see a how to guide for growing your audience here on steemit/dtube
(ps please check out my channel)
check out my lessons here :
I will do more guides as well!
Good luck!
Good luck. I'm sure the decision will pan out in the long run. Still early days on these platforms and they are already financially rewarding... it will only grow from here.
Cool. Risk is what makes us entrepreneurs. It is a risk worth taking. Approved by @jemimah
hehe thanks so much! :)
Wonderful post alla. You'r very encouraging woman. Keep going i hope you would not regret ☺
Congrats!!! Best of luck to you!!
thank you so much ;)
A very wise decision, wishing you all the success @allasyummyfood !!!
thank you so much!! lets hope for the best! :)
you're living the dream...i am a little bit jealous lol
Wow, this is exciting. I really hope it works out for you. I know others have gone full time on Steemit, but it's precarious when steem is so volatile
thank you so much! i hope so too! it could be a risk, but who doesnt risk, they dont drink champagne :)
Cool stuff. I am in stoke-on-trent. only been here in steemit for 4 weeks. came here mainly because of the censorship on youtube then discovered hey there is an opportunity here so im looking to bridge the gap with my passion for playing the saxophone and my social media marketing back ground. i went on a massive learning curve coming in solo but been the person that I am I went to hunt down the right people. Seen promo steem and love what they are doing so looking at some point to join forces with them as since I have discovered utube and dsound that has opened loads of opportunities that i would love to share and my instagram and twitter campaigns captures pages that im putting out have put my stats up super crazy as i am talent scouting and training a few core guys to help me. So I will be checking out your stuff and good on you. You are right you do not gain anything without taking a risk so go for it :)
thanks a lot!! thats the spirit!!
I know others have gone up the ventilation shaft.
The best of luck to you with your brave decision!
aww thanks soo much :))) much appreciated! x
Don't be scared!Success doesn't come without taking the risk!I remember the day when I decided to quit my job and become a full-time online retailer and webdesigner.It turned out to be the best decision I've ever made.Go ahead full steam,I will fllow you and your posts if that helps a little with your new journey!
yeah thats really inspiring to hear!!! :)) thanks so much! really appreciate that!
Exciting times ahead!
Good Luck!
You're already 'Winners of the genetic lottery' anyway - beautiful people, inside and out. I'm glad to know you <3
aww you are such a sweetie!! thank you so much Michelle!! cant wait to see you soon xxx
You get back what you give... you have such a wonderful, generous nature, it would be difficult to not support you :) xx
See you soon!
soo sweet :) xxx
Awesome! Can’t wait to see your recipes and fitness stuff!
Great news Alla! Rad to see someone taking this thing by the horns and just rolling deep, fully committed and rocking it. Charge hard and please let us know if we can contribute a recipe card to your line. Rock on, girl!
yeahh sure you can!!
Cool! Ping me (Nik) via our contact page and we'll get ya squared away. Stoked!
Great! I'd do the same at this stage. I hope to reach this point too. The best of luck for everyone aiming for this. Steem on!
Why scary? your account is worth 100K just post videos /blogs upvote them and you already are making 10X more than averege person who is doing day time job :) LOL
I love how it works on steemit the more powerfull your account is the more you can upvote yourself and get on top - however I find it to not be fair for newbies as in a year or to they will have no point joining steemit unless they have lots of money to buy steempower - it's expensive already :)
This is so inspiring.. hoping to quit my job in the future as well, but not yet..
when the time is right! it took me a year and half to take the leap!
This is great and really inspiring! Thanks for posting. I wish you the best of luck. I certainly will be following your content!
you are welcome :)))
@allasyummfood Superb Alla:-) So far your journey on steemit is really impressive. I wish you best of luck in future also. I am from Pakistan and I have noticed that Pakistani Food is loved by many people. I wish I may share some good recipes with you.
lets do it