The game is really funny so u have to try this with ur friends! ;)
I will explain the rules one more time:
First du need to ask ur friend in this case Basti asked me what are the ods to put ur finger in this mousetrap here. Than I have to decide on a number between 1 -10 or when the question is much more havier for example what are the ods to jump of a bridge into water u can say 1 -20 or 30 it depends on the question. After than both players chose one number in our case between 1 - 10. Now the countdown starts 3,2,1 and now both players have to say the number which everyone choosed. Here we said both 4 so I have to do the challenge. If Basti would have said 4 and I 6 I don’t need to do the challenge.
And now it’s your turn, it‘s up to u to ask ur friend what are the ods for .... whatever u want?!
And don’t forget if both players choose the same number and the person also won’t do the challenge the other guy is allowed to slap 👋🏼 his friend. 😉
So I hope u understand the game much better!
Try the game with ur friends and have fun!Hey guys, it´s @AlphaKevin and I wnat to show u our new challenge WHAT ARE THE ODS?! @Baschau and I tried to explain u guys how the game works and also showed u our first challenge with a mousetrap :D
If u guys like the channel subscribe and leave a comment below, if u have ideas for WHAT ARE THE ODS?!
Have a nice day and see u soon!!
~ AK
My buddies:
Garret Barens - Infinite
Mark Tracy - Keep on
Living Pulse - The Chapman Run
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Haha funny video bro!
What are the odds is a funny game 👍🏼
Looking forward to play that with you guys
Haha thanks man..yes im also looking forward to play this game next time with u!!
what???? hahahahaha I didn't understand the rule of the game at
Guys, the slow motion wasn't in slow mo :D
You guys are freaking crazy haha.
Winny out...for now ;)
Haha I tried to explain the rules one more time 😅 we have okay it when u are back here man 😉 u will love the game!
lol, this is awful!