Do you love tarot, too - feel free to join in!
I was inspired by the gracious @traciyork to join the #TarotTuesday party!
And be sure to check out @SteemitTarot which keeps #TarotTuesday going all week long!
I’ve been practicing tarot privately for about 15 years but I'm finally ready to get out there and help others with my cards! I know readings can change mindsets and bring true solutions to many. Tarot readings are a wonderful way to connect to your inner self and learn where you can improve.
I’ll provide the book’s interpretation as well as my understanding of the cards in the dtube video below - so be sure to make your choice and then watch the video to get a more in depth explanation of each card.
A Quick Bit About My Deck
My deck The Fairy Ring is based in Celtic myths and legends.
As with the traditional tarot, my cards have four suits - but are represented by the four seasons. There are four court cards for each season which have a general meaning as well as point to a specific type of real person. Also there are eight festival cards which represent the chief fairy feasts/holidays.
Choose one card (or 2 or 3 or all - it’s whatever you want) which you are drawn to.
please note 1-5 left to right
Now that you've chosen your card(s) scroll down to see your message!
Please enjoy
This original word art
From my Instagram
while you scroll
Here's this week's spread
In case #dtube doesn't work.. which it looks like it didn't upload correctly here's the youtube version:
1. Fairy Festival | Midsummer
Book’s Interpretation
Midsummer ushers in joyful energies of magic enchantment, consummation, culmination, illumination and clarity.
My Thoughts
Every fairy festival holds a powerful energy within its card. Midsummer is all about seeing the magical big picture of it all. It is all about delightful celebrations and being surrounded by great company. You may be seeing the fruits of some of your hard work ripening so be sure to enjoy it! If you are still feeling the struggle or unable to see the big picture the cards could be pointing you towards this time of year - perhaps trying to ease your mind by letting you know by midsummer things should turn around for you.
2. Five of Summer | Taroo Ushty
Book’s Interpretation - Reversed
When the fierce Taroo Ushty appears he indicates aggressiveness, power misuse, brute force, arrogance.
My Thoughts
This card is a call for self assessment. The cards are urging you to look at how you have been carrying yourself as well as treating others. If you are in a position of authority over others, have you possibly been too hard on your charges? Are you pursuing something too aggressively or pushing for pieces to fit that just don’t? Maybe it’s time to loosen the reigns a bit?
3. Queen of Winter | Queen Mab
Books Interpretation
Queen Mab arrives to deliver dreams, wishes and longings yet fulfilled as well as new ideas, creativity and inspiration to help you fulfill your dreams. The message is dare to dream and live in that dream. She may also represent a real person: dreamy, artist, feminine reflective woman. She is friendly but in a lazy sort of way. You will need to make all the effort in any relationship with her.My Thoughts
Queen Mab dares you to dream and take action on those dreams. She brings fertility and insight with her. Giving birth to new ideas and inspirations. Occasionally the Queen Mab card pops up around pregnancies. The cards want you to take leaps of faith towards your dreams and commit to them. If this meaning does not resonate with you currently source could be pointing you towards a creative, dreamy woman in your life - although you may be annoyed with having to always reach out to the friend, the cards want you to put aside her flighty personality and ask this artistic queen for some help getting your dreams to take shape.
4. King of Summer | The Oak Man
Book’s Interpretation - reversed
The Oak Man reversed indicates idleness, complacency, inertia, fear of change, inability to adapt to changing circumstances. Points to failure to seize opportunities or to follow up on promising openings. Could be a real person: a mature man who is materialistic, uncaring about anything except his own interests, ruthless, unable to see anyone else’s point of view.My Thoughts
The King of Summer reversed comes through to point out to you that fear is blocking your way. You may have put off changes you know need to be made or self sabotaged a promising opportunity. Source wants you to recognize what is in your way so you can remove that way of thinking and move forward. If the person depicted sounds familiar to you and the above meaning doesn’t fit your perspective I want to firstly extend my condolences because these archetypes are not easily dealt with. Perhaps you’re dealing with a personality like this who is feeding into your feelings of fear or unworthiness. The ray of light here is that there are lots of opportunities for change sitting around you - you just need to follow through and everything will start to shift and evolve.
5. Knave of Winter | Jack Frost
Book’s Interpretation - reversed
Jack Frost reversed heralds the cooling of feelings and passions. Distancing from a relationship, coldness towards those you previously loved. May be a real person: a young man who may be attractive but is untrustworthy. He is a sly and clever liar.My Thoughts
I never like reading Jack Frost reversed because it signifies one of two options: either a relationship is drifting apart or someone is being deceived by a clever liar. Are you feeling distant? Have you been isolating yourself from those you previously enjoyed being around? Maybe your romantic relationship has froze over recently out of nowhere. If you are feeling like a Jack Frost right now the best advice is to get some space and reassess what is important to you and what really ignites your passion. If you have had irking intuitions about a young, attractive male energy in your life well the cards are poking you a bit with Jack Frost. They want you to see him for what he is.I hope you could relate to the card(s) you chose and the message the Fairies had for you! stop by next Tuesday for another 5 card spread.
I do not claim to see the future or the past. I'm not a psychic or medium. My cards are a connection to the higher source and they provide guidance. I simply use my intuition and understanding to interpret the message.
I offer readings as well as instructional advice for those who have an interest in learning. However, no one can teach you tarot, it is a personal journey and a soul connection with your deck that must be molded over time.
If you've ever been interested in Tarot I'd love to hear from you!
I offer readings as well as instructional advice for those who have an interest in learning. However, no one can teach you tarot, it is a personal journey and a soul connection with your deck that must be molded over time. Please feel free to send me an email if you'd like a private reading: [email protected] or find me on discord: amariespeaks#9425
Hello from the Steemit Tarot community!
here.@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju. To this end, your post has been resteemed and/or upvoted. To find out more, check out the intro post
Yay!! so happy to see you @steemittarot ! Thank you for the support! 🙏✌💙
You're very welcome! And maybe, given how long it took me to do this, I should change the name to, "Steemit Turtle Tarot"... LOL!
😂 🐢🐢
I guess a 1 and 3 pick was not so bad, I was feeling kind of drawn also to number 5 but I thought again at it and went with just 1 and 3. So I guess I am iffy about the whole 5 card since I was sort of drawn to then pushed away from it, things are a tad murky for that card I would guess. I am liking your tarot tuesdays.
1 and 3 contain some very strong energy @bashadow 😀 Im curious to know if you're pumping with creative new ideas and manifesting those dreams? Or perhaps the cards are pointing to a queen mab female energy to enter around midsummer? the pull towards 5 is a private question but always worth accessing where your level of passion is at and why.
So glad you're enjoying #tarottuesday ! 🙏
New dreams, re-dreams of old dreams, been awhile for dreaming, but they have sporadically returned over the last week. More of an Urge to start creating not so much on the idea front yet though. But it is time to think of a change, to get the house painted, and continue to move on with life, somewhere else than here, maybe, it is all in flux right now. And maybe that is the push pull of the number 5 card, not so much a humanistic level but a place level, love/hate a relationship with a place, and a desire to find a new place. So the drawn/push of card 5. I think.
ahhh I love hearing how the message plays out in people's lives! So cool. I see what you're saying with 5 and that makes a lot of sense. I hope the flux settles nicely for you! :) glad to hear the dreams are there! That pin points Queen Mab as she's all about dreams! Yours are just literal dreams ;-)
Of course, I chose the wrong one lol.
lol you can't choose the wrong one silly! ;-)
Love what you're doing Amarie :) Your insights seem to be on point, and the energies seemed to resonate with what I have been experiencing.
I was at one time an avid reader, but have taken a big step back to more or less 'read life' and focus more on meditation and self inquiry. This post has inspired me though, and I feel like I might dust off my deck and get involved with the Tarot Tuesday!
Only been on Steemit less than a week and it's continually blowing my mind with how much cool stuff is on here 😹
Welcome to Steemit @phillyc ! I'm glad you liked the reading :) definitely dusk that deck off and join in the #tarottuesday party, it's a blast! I definitely think adding in divination with the cards is a nice addition that my daily meditation practice so I hope it will add something to yours too!
Steemit is a wonderful platform - there are so many cool people on here. I find new stuff everyday! I'll be sure to keep an eye on your blog.
Thankyou @amariespeaks! Yes I look forward to doing some readings, and well just seeing what comes up. I think that's what I like about Tarot, is that it's spontaneous and intuitive. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for your posts :)
Queen of Winter!! Interesting!! I'm excited for this! And I was just mentioning to my wife that I wanted to get back into something I used to love. :)
oh wow @iexplore then it is DEFINITELY the right time! :-D How awesome to see the cards pick up on that energy for you! All the best of luck to getting back to what you love to do - though I doubt you'll be needing much luck right now lol
And the goosebumps grandbabies had grandbabies...WOW!! I took quite some time before I chose my cards, now usually i will go with the whole spread, but today was different, and let me just say, you are awesome when it comes to your interpretations! I absolutely think I needed this interpretation today, although I'm a day late, better late than never! Thank you for what you do!
@charisma777 ohh wow!! that is awesome - I generally write up new interpretations each time because each time I draw a card it has it's own slightly varied meaning. This week pregnancy was pulling at my mind - so I'm glad you got the message intended for you and thank you so much for your kind words! I love that you got exactly what you need to hear :-D isn't it SO amazing to see synchronicity and source at work?? It gets me every time !
1 & 3 for me this week - very interesting, and very on point! I tried the DTube version first, and it did load after a short time, but almost immediately started lagging. The YouTube version was awesome! You're too hard on yourself, dear girl - your flubs weren't bad at all, and just made your reading all the more... real, I guess, for lack of a better word (my brain is a bit melty at the moment too...LOL). And what an adorable guest appearance at the end! So glad to see you back in front of the camera! Bright blessings to you as you get settled!
@traciyork thank you <3 I'm glad I didn't look too flighty hahah total brain fog lately. Dtube is awesome but I have such issues with it that I think I'll do a youtube along with it every time until dtube starts to be more reliable lol my son wants to get on camera so bad lol if he notices that I'm doing a video he'll start trying to edge in or be repeating me off camera - gotta love the toddler echo haha
1 and 3 were very popular choices this week - which is awesome! I love to see the creative energy flowing! :) thanks so much for watching the video BTW I really appreciate your feedback :)
Nope, not flighty at all! Yeah, I hear you on DTube - I've used DLive to upload a few videos instead of DTube ('cause, despite the name, they don't just do streams), but have also had to use YuckTube here and there. Of course, my vids are all brief clips of birds and snow, so...LOL!
That's way freakin' adorable! Won't be long now before he has his own video channel!
Definitely awesome choices, especially for this time of year. And you're very welcome - I always enjoy your videos, even if life gets in the way and it takes me a day (or three - LOL) to be able to watch. 😊
I appreciate you stopping by and checking them out whenever you have time! I haven't used dLive yet but maybe I will try that instead of Dtube because I have continuous problems uploading my videos.. it only works from my phone for some reason. I can't upload from my laptop lol makes putting the post up a pain in the ass. LOL I usually do my video in one clip anyways so I think I may be able to pull off a live stream hahah
You're very welcome, and yeah - 'tis the downside of being a part of the Beta version of things. I bet you could totally rock a live stream! However, if it gets to be a hassle to set up, they also allow for uploading an already created video (which is what I did). 😊
ohh cool! I didn't realize they allow uploading! cool I'll definitely try that one out this week :)
Yep, I was wicked psyched when I realized it! And coolness!
Some deep truth about life ;)
Image source
Some deep truth about life ;)
Image source