Hello, guys!
This is just a quick little video to go through and attempt to make sense of reading a nutrition label with you, because I know that can be a daunting task if you’re just starting to practice that skill!
I hope you’ll watch, and by doing so join me in my home as we chat around my dining room table - it’s new! :)
It was my intention to show you that it doesn’t have to be scary or overly complicated to find the information - as you learn more about what works for your lifestyle and your body, you will be able to decide based on the information you now (hopefully) understand how to locate and make an informed decision about whether to include a food in your diet and if you do, how much you’re ok with consuming :)
Since this video is pretty simple, please feel free to ask questions if you have some!
Lastly, around the 4:00 mark of this video, I feel like I need to clarify something:
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) not only determined a general “healthy” calorie intake for the average American person, but they also decided to ballpark some upper limits and lower thresholds of certain nutrients, so the percentages you see as %DV (or percent Daily Value) is speaking to what percentage of the recommended daily intake for that particular nutrient it accounts for, not total calories for the whole day.
For example, this bar contains 21g of carbohydrates, shown as 9% Daily Value - the FDA recommends that every adult eat 300g of carbohydrates or fewer per day, so this bar makes up 9% of the total amount of carbohydrates you should be consuming each day. Does that make more sense?
Sorry if that was confusing or misleading - I guess that can happen when you try to make a video in one take! ;)
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this little video and that it was helpful in some way for you :) that’s always what I’m aiming for!
Sending lots of love, warmth, and good wishes to you for a healthy and happy day!
Please feel free to comment, upvote, or resteem if you’d like :)
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Hahaha hi!! Well I'm stoked Dtube is random, if it brought you here! Thanks for watching and big thanks for following!! Let me know if there's ever a topic you'd like to see a video on, or if you have any questions - I would love to help!
👍 great video
Thank you! So happy you liked it!
Thanks! 😄
Very informative! Awesome @annemariemay your such an inspiration, seriously. ❤️ Also, you don't have to tag dtube on a dtube video. The 5th tag will automatically be dtube. 😀
You are so kind, @alphasteem! Thank you so much for the encouragement and warmth always, I truly appreciate it! 💕
And that's so great to know, thank you for passing that info on to me! I have sooo much left to learn, so thank you for helping me along! 😘
This information is really interesting for me
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) not only determined a general “healthy” calorie intake for the average American person, but they also decided to ballpark some upper limits and lower thresholds of certain nutrients, so the percentages you see as %DV (or percent Daily Value) is speaking to what percentage of the recommended daily intake for that particular nutrient it accounts for, not total calories for the whole day.
For example, this bar contains 21g of carbohydrates, shown as 9% Daily Value - the FDA recommends that every adult eat 300g of carbohydrates or fewer per day.
Oh good! I'm glad it was helpful!
I am trying to watch my wait and atimes get confused on what's right and what's not. But i feel this should lessen the confusion.
By the way, what's your take on this ; Someone told me that the 'bark' of beans is the proteinious part of it, without that, the bean itself is more carbohydrate than protein...
Oh good, I'm stoked if this helped a little!
Before I answer, I just wanted to clarify - I'm not sure I understand what you mean by the 'bark' of the bean... Do you mean like the pod? Or the skin around the bean itself? Let me know! :)
Always feel free to keep reaching out with questions!
Hii. How was your day?
I meant the skin around the bean. 🙂
Great to see you here on Dtube :)
Keep on crushing it ^^
Thanks so much @modernpastor! I'll do my best!! 😊
The message in your video is powerful.
Keep up the great work; D
Thank you so much @kingspiration! I will certainly try! 😊
GREAT VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much!
nuen video pero la verdad no me gusta como se ve su físico... :/ es impresionante claro pero le quita la feminidad al cuerpo teniendo tanto musculo.
Sí, bueno, ya sabes, así es, tu opinión, hombre.
It is indeed important to know what we are eating including its ingredients and composition. We are responsible for our health and awareness of what we put into our mouth is the best start.
Yes! So true. Well said, friend!
Honestly thought someone had photoshopped Rhonda Rousey's face onto a body builder for the thumbnail, but no. Good job
Hahaha!!! I've heard that a couple of times, that's funny! But yeah, it's just me 😊 Thanks for the comment, friend!
do you have a youtube channel as well?
No not really... I have one that all of my movement videos are uploaded to but not a youtube channel specifically for vlogging
Maybe soon!
First of all, I think it's a good video. Thanks.
And frankly, after reading this article, I saw your muscles first, and I think you made a lot of effort. @annemariemay :D