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RE: Discussing Steemit With Managing Director Elizabeth Powell

in #dtube6 years ago

Why not try this?

Since they claim to not be selling as many tokens now, what are they going to do them all?

Well, based on previous STINC history...they'll probably power them down and use another scheme like @misterdelegation to further dilute the influence of every other user on the platform. You know...use that "ninja-mine" for voting, which they said they wouldn't do.

But we all know how honest they've been over the years. I'm sure the dumping will continue anyway.


I truly hope they can begin to find ways to redeem themselves.

I approve of what you said in that link. I tried talking over there but just got the you're a dumb nobody content producer treatment, which I had a feeling was coming the moment I opened my mouth. Too many good ideas are crushed due to the arrogance of a few and I hope they can shape up, eventually. Anyway, I'm just rambling. Been a long day.