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RE: People wanna know: "Broncnutz how did you accumulate all that Steem Power?"

in #dtube6 years ago

All money and it's derivatives are schemes to extract wealth from those who really have it, those that work, and funnels it in to those who have none. It's always been that way and always will be that way. That is why money itself is worth virtually nothing outside the system it was created in. The money game is a cancer on humanity that ultimately will destroy us all. It allows those who are willing to screw society to make they most and puts far too much power in their hands in which they are incapable of wielding it for the betterment of humanity.

ALL money games are destructive and playing them further enables the destruction forcing everyone to play it to survive. SP is just another game. There is no real work behind it, it's just a bait on a hook.

If you want to get off the money game you have two choices: Make as much as you can so it becomes irrelevant and further the destruction of humanity or work to become independent of it. The second choice is the hardest but actually most rewarding and those that have the most money want to stop you at all costs from doing so... as they need their money to be perceived as useful so they are perceived as wealthy.

Remember this: For everyone that you abuse in the money game there is 10 trying to abuse you. Those most sick with the money addiction are those most willing to abuse other people.

Those in power will create collapses, wars, diseases, new game derivatives to distract and misinform what really is going on. They need ignorant people who think the game is fair when they have all the cards. You can be one of their puppets and they will give you lots of their worthless money and you will be "happy" living in your materialism that others have to create. You will feel powerful knowing you are not the slave... But in the end you live will be meaningless and empty and all the money you made by selling out everyone else will not save you.

Learn to be self-sufficient and independent and require as little money as possible. This is extremely difficult since the elite cannot allow it to happen and will find ways to prevent you from doing so. You must be smart and dedicated to succeed. Work with others who see the illusion created as there are power in numbers.

Remember, they need you more than you need them but they will try to destroy you if they can't have their way.

The money game is a cancer on society. It is the largest of all Ponzi schemes and the biggest religion. It causes almost all crime, all social problems, all ignorance. It holds humanity back from achieving near perfection.

Don't be a victim, and remember, there is strength in numbers! True freedom starts with awareness! Be aware!