Hey dtube!
Yesterday metal detecting, I found this horseshoe and another hunk of metal. Check it out here. I thought it would be cool to try and clean them up a little bit so I can get a better look at them.
Well, the Coke took a little of the grime and loose pieces off, but the metal is still pretty caked with rust.
I have them soaking in vinegar now but I doubt it will do much better, we shall see.
Thanks for watching!
▶️ DTube
Hi! du musst das 2 bis 3 tage darin lassen,
nimm so eine Stahlbürste
und disse Essigessenz
jeden tag herausholen und unter Leitungswasser mit der Bürste abbürsten, dann wieder reinlegen in die Essigessenz bis das gewünschte Ergebnis erfolgt. Wie gesagt kann paar Tage dauern Gruß :)
Danke, Mann! Ich habe es jetzt in Essig, also werde ich das tun. Ich muss in die bau center gehen und auf diese beisehs haha
Posted using Partiko iOS
Kein ding! ich werde demnächst auch noch eine andere Methode zeigen als Video
Gute Idee 💡:)
Posted using Partiko iOS
I remembered I used to clean silver objects using toothpaste when in my country wasn't scarcity of basic goods, maybe if you try that..🤔
Hmm... i Never thought of that! I might have to give that a try! Thank you! 😀
Posted using Partiko iOS
one night in ketchup...
I read that somewhere.... idk about that one
Posted using Partiko iOS
Howdy sir balticbadger! I have no idea what to use on that rust but people have told me recently that there is a product that you can buy at the hardware store that cleans rust off metal and makes it like new but it's very expensive. I've never found the home made hacks to work on rust or cleaning.
Yeah, I was thinking my dad used to have something to clean rust off the guns. Was it CLR? Ahh anyways I have had them soaking in vinegar for the past week and I will scrub them with a metal brush. We will see
Posted using Partiko iOS
sir badger! I'm sure there are great products out there, I just don't know the names and where to find them. Maybe the local hardware store, you guys have hardware stores over there right?