I am hired at least three times per month by clients who were busted for possession of marijuana after being caught smoking in public. In this video, I demonstrate techniques you can use to smoke marijuana in plain sight. If you follow my advice, you will NeverGetBusted.
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You shouldn't take marijuana at all
No - you should't take it, that would be stealing.
I use it for pain. Better than opiates.
I was about to say, it has so many benefits man. You can't just go around telling people not to do what brings them joy!
I like letting people make decisions for themselves. Cannabis can be extremely beneficial for some people.
Ya man! Brother awesome video!
Here have a look yourself if you want this is my latest video https://steemit.com/dtube/@thenamadicway/h1vwn6rxI'm from the Netherlands so we don't have that problem ;)
I found you thanks to your friend DR. Tarrin P Lupo.
I would love to connect with you guys you seem like my kind of people.
and my channel
Hope to speak to you soon my friend,
Namasté & Love
Nama & Robin (Nama is my Bordercollie)
That's awesome! I am so glad that it's recreational here now in California yes to freedom and to natural medicine! Aho brother!
Love Weed
simply love it amaaaaaaazinggg
Okay maybe i did, just don’t tell Monica...I mean Hillary
hahaha I love this. Such a joke. Bill Clinton is a bad man
I keep saying what I’m typing with my Bill Clinton impression- Which I cannot do In a comment!
Blog post? Lol
More tips: use one of those new pocket vaporisers - very discreet compared to a big cloud of smoke.
Another one is: smoke a joint but ONLY carry that single joint on you - you will need to find somewhere more discreet to smoke it, but when you are done - there is no evidence whatsoever.
Thank you for this. What a nice treat. Hope you enjoy your weekend.
That must be some good weed if its got him doing James bond tokes!
The paranoia is amazing..
lol right
All you need is a vape pen :)
But does actually any one care? I think the most people, who know the smell, don't give a shit.
At least around here, when I smell pot in public, I'm usually the only one who notices.
But I never smoked in my life
Come to Oregon! haha
Love it man!
I'll be coming down to visit later this year Barry, can't wait to meet you.
Much respect
thsts a cool way to smoke in public. Just need to change direction.
haha love it. My biggest tip it to basically do what you did here, act normal and confident. If you are trying to hide and hit a pipe you will stand out. Just walk normal, get surrounded by people, light, puff, put away and walk.