x BasilAll Aboard the SteemBUS!!! Join ME, your Hungover Host as I set out upon THE BUS OF DREAMS, filled with anticipation for the 1st day of conferences! A bus FULL of STEEMIES!!! Can you imagine it!? What an atmosphere it was on that bus, there was so much excitement and chatter, it was like we were going to Disneyland or something! Speaking of that, when are we going to have a SteemPark with The Cryptocoaster and The DECENTRALIZER??? Someone make it happen....Anyway, I also get a great interview with @Oleg326756 who definitely sees the positive power of Steemit and is teaching people all about crypto in Sweden (as well as globally of course). check it out thou steemies of the multiverse!
▶️ DTube
Just caught up with this. Spotted the back of my head in front of Phil & Dayle. There were just too many interesting people on that bus. I think we should just driven around all day, swapping seats every now and then. Who needs conference halls?
Now THATS an idea- or maybe a long distance STEEMTRAIN!!!
Aaaaaargh! Don't get me started on that! Now I'm all excited and I'm supposed to be going to sleep! PS #yesyoubetyourfuckinlife
yes! that would have been amazing. Musical Steemies!
He's back with another instalment! Haha, I can see my little head popping up the other side of the bus… sat right next to that board thing knocking in to my hungover head, and chatting with Mr @scan0017! I also just followed Mr Oleg, don't think I actually met this chap at SF…
hahey! How are you adam! Long time no steem :) Yes, I noticed you in the background there. And that I was sitting RIGHT behind @teamhumble and @dayleeo but I hadn't met them yet! It was all just starting to hot up...
Ahh, the bus! @oleg326756 is a great guy, we have been Steemit bros for a long while and we finally got to have that beer together at Steemfest2!
YES what a guy! It was really great to meet him and steal this awesome interview with him :)
Jaaaaa! Finally another episode!!
I spotted myself outside the bus :D, though I have no recollection of seeing you making this video... Was I hungover, too???? That can't be... ;)
It was a long night of free alcohol the night before....only those with the greatest willpower were not hungover the next day! Many poor souls didnt even make it to the bus on time ;p
Was this the first day of the talks or the second? 'cause I made the bus on the first one, but not after the snooker club night!
this is the 1st day. Man...it just got more and more brutal after that though.....the snooker club was epic
So nice to see those faces again! We had a rental car, so we didn't take the bus.. I'm afraid we missed out on something! 🙄
well, Im sure it was luxury having a rental car! But yeah, the bus of dreams was pretty special :) It was like being a kid! (for me anyway) :p
I know the feeling 😊 espacially when you're sitting in the back and you can wave at the drivers behind you and make funny faces.. I found out that you can also do that when you're 30+ Only the reactions you get are a little different then 20 years ago 😁
Goal: Earn enough steem dollars to attend Steemfest3! :D
big time! Such a great experience....I REALLY hope I can make it next year
Where in the world will it be???
I have no idea :O
I'm watching the entire series right now :) BTW what is DTube?
its basically the Steem blockchains version of youtube. You get paid for upvotes just like steemit. Its pretty awesome and youtubers are starting to move over to it because youtube sucks :P
oh sweet! I could post things about kenya on there as well!
thats a good idea! You should start blogging now! For example: heres how I raised the money to go to steemfest: https://steemit.com/steemfest/@basilmarples/please-fund-me-to-got-to-steemfest-heres-why-watch-now (admittedly this post didn't raise much, but roelandp made me a huge donation straight to my wallet and beanz just gave me a ticket - but it just goes to show, you can make anything happen on steemit if you put in the effort!)
very good vlog..
thankyou :)
You meant "great", right? ;-p
Dawww such good memories and so many good vibes and smiling faces for 4 days straight- who could ask for more! 💕