Dtube Exclusive - BuzzSteem Ep. 37 [Is Steemit Really Decentralized?]

in #dtube7 years ago

Happy Saturday Steemians!

So today the main topic is whether or not Steemit is decentralized, which I go into in great length in the second part of my video!

The first part however, focuses on the Nigerian community here on Steemit, and how we can be of help. Nigeria could really stand to benefit from Steemit, but users @sunny4glow, @smyle, @maryfavour and @trendyevents are in a fight to get people actually using the website! In the past, many Nigerians have been burned by "get-rich quick" schemes, which many of course, deliberately target the desperate. A lot of Nigerians lost their life savings in the last few years to Ponzi Schemes like BitConnect, so they are extremely skeptical of a website like Steemit! It is also a bit harder to access this site then it would be for me to even, which makes the barrier for entry that much more complicated. All of these users have spearheaded the movement to make a larger Nigerian community here on Steemit. I know that a lot of us have tended to nationalize and really support those from our own countries, and I think that's awesome, and totally necessary on here. What I ask of you today is to branch out a bit and give these guys' blogs/pages a look! They have a lot of important things to say, and could really use your support! Thanks guys!

So that's pretty much all for today! I am going to be releasing a special video tonight explaining my marketing strategy for Steemit! I am super stoked you guys!! Let's just say I may be coining the name "Lady Steem" for a while! Then tomorrow BuzzSteem will be coming at ya from the Renaissance Festival! Yay Hooray!

Stay Steemy My Friends!


▶️ DTube

great explanation..waiting for your 2nd part video.

Thanks! I should be working on that really soon!

Young lady!!! You are killing it with all these votes! I am so excited and so happy that you've found your niche! I introduce a lot of Nigerian people in @thefreshfive... so I personally don't think the take up is super low, but I guess that's all perspective.

Steem is not super decentalised at the moment, and I'm super okay with that. It means that decisions can be made quickly (pretty much one user can make or break witnesses in a second) and the good whales can take action on fraudsters and shysters. Decentralised is great, but it can be manipulated and in these early days I personally think it's better for experienced stern hands to steer the ship instead of just everybody having an equal (but also potentially equally uninformed) say.

That's amazing that you are doing such cool stuff with the @freshfive! Yeah, I was mainly covering their concerns with getting people to join, as opposed to how the people are doing on here once they are here. (Though they could always use more help, a lot of the newbies could.) They have a serious PR problem with the rest of the world, as Nigeria has kind of become an untrustworthy place when dealing with people online. (I bet if I checked my email right now there would be at least a couple of spam emails from someone claiming to be a Nigerian Prince that only needs $40 to be able to send me the lottery that I won but never entered.) Just like with America being the laughing stock of the world for lots of different things, Nigeria is fighting this image problem of untrustworthiness online, and it has bled over into its own people who have been burned through these pyramid schemes. So, really feel for them, because I know as an American how it feels when you are represented in a light that doesn't reflect who you are personally just because of where you live!

As far as decentralization, I am also not upset or concerned about Steemit being more centralized, I just don't really like the idea of it becoming my go-to everything. I am very much so a capitalist at heart, and I still believe in good ole healthy competition. I would be devastated if Steem took over as a monopoly for everything, but I also really highly doubt that will happen!

I have to agree with Aussienninja. My recent analysis suggested there is a number of Nigeria's learning about Steemit just via Google Search.

And complaining that you only have 10 people supporting it from your part of the world is ridiculous.

We barely have 20 peeps supporting Steemit from a city of 1 million and I'm not putting my hand out asking for help. But rather just get on with the job of exposing it to as many people as I can.

Yeah well in the US we have learned to recognize our own privilege. And coming from a place of privilege, it means a lot to me to help those that have less. I have seen many people on here complaining that their posts don't get enough upvotes, and they are from Europe, the US or Australia even and most likely don't need the help of Steemit to get by. Sure, it's a nice option as a job, I appreciate what I make, but I also don't pretend like I am in some way hurting by helping other people, even if they "put their hand out asking for help." God forbid we help some people eat...or pay their electric bills. The nerve of these people to come into a community of relentless "I'm here to help" circlejerking, and ask for help!

I stand by my original point which is that in the US anyway, Americans are skeptical of Nigerians because of scammers and it's really not fair. The amount of Nigerians on Steemit is irrelevant to that fact and wasn't really my original point. If you don't want to help out the Nigerian community, or you feel like they are already getting enough help, then that's cool. Different strokes for different folks. I don't see helping them as taking away from exposing Steemit to as many people as I can, and actually I think that stories like theirs, coming from the third world, could make a really compelling argument for people to join Steemit. I have never been much of a globalist, but we have to inevitably accept the reality that that is where crypto is taking us. We are no longer just looking out for our fellow countrymen, but our fellow Steemian, no matter where they may hail from.

@bethwheatcraft you are now My


Thanks for showing love to my fellow County men.
Creating their awareness is awesome.
I will follow up on their fight for steem.
M.M.M was also Part of the ponzi scheme that wrecked alot of live savings from crypto enthusiasts who engaged in it.
So far I ve introduced over 10 students from the university I'm studying from to steemit.
All has opened an account but ONLY few intro post written yet, while creating an account for others ended in futility.
I really enjoyed today's video post and I ll reserved my comment on the whale rambling, hahaha, lolz😂
I also haven't slept well for 37hrs now, I'm also heavy this pain at the left part of my head. It hurts alot but I'm steemilized by the benefits of steeming. Lolz😃
Try to rest your head ma'am
The post I did yesterday and you wish it got a good visibility. Just few hours ago, a whale curated it with a big payout.
I'm glad your wish for the post happened.
Miracle do happen😂.


Your thinking is really good @bethwheatcraft

Resteem and vote already complete.

Thanks! Sometimes if my headaches aren't too bad I do get some coherent thoughts out there! :)

Tears flowing down my cheeks, a sign of a gladden heart. @bethwheatcraft, you are a rare gem, true to your word. I'm already working on a project and will private chat you co-author the post on steemit still on the efforts to bring more women to lime light. Thanks for this post again, you have made me proud, hoping to get the needed support to embark on women Sensitization about steemit revolution. Holla at your family.

I really want to help! I asked another member of the Nigerian community already, but do you guys have a tag that you all use to keep track of everything/everybody? Like a #teamnigeria tag? If not, you totally should, and make sure everyone in your community is using that tag in their posts! It's a super efficient way to keep track of everything happening!

Well, non that I know for now, every individual hustling to make waves with steemit. It's actually part of the campaign I have personally taken to the supposedly big shots in steemit . I just hope that we would come together to form a formidable from. Thanks for the suggestion ma'am.

Well done! Glad you are still plugging away, you are excellent at this!

Thanks so much! It's a lot of work, but I am trying to be as consistent as I can and help as many people as I can. So many on here have no voice. The people that do should speak up for them methinks! I don't have a huge audience, but it's big enough to kind of feel like I am making a little bit of difference!

Seems like you definitely are and I feel right at home! thanks!

Good one! There will always be a few with vast resources who can do what they want, ..for now. There is always a bigger Whale lurking in the depths.

Yeah well that's why I don't think throwing our future into these few powerful people is necessarily the best idea ever! It's certainly not a future that I really want to see played out!

Throughout history it has been that way. It does not mean that this platform won't work for you, just do your own thing, but keep in mind that it could one day end. Same can happen with fiat; right now it's Venezuela, but many other Countries have had the same thing happen. I have 1 Million Peruvian Intis, worth less than toilet paper. The whole idea of a stable economy and currency only existed after WWII when everything had to be built from scratch. The great depression was really only fully cured by the mobilization for the war effort in 1941.

It's true that US fiat could crash, but then the whole world crashes with us. So there's that. That's why we bailed out the banks in 2008. We didn't want to crash the world economy because of our negligence. As it happened, we still messed things up pretty bad!

"Hot as balls" LOL

My first immediate thought was "I guess balls are really hot."

Just for that chuckle, you get my upvote of love, dear.

#onelove #dtube

Aw thanks! Yeah, because it is so hot here, I tend to use "hot as balls" a lot as a description! I don't censor my speech too much in my videos, and I forget that not everyone is familiar with my linguistics!

That's awesome. I love the free-flow of your show :)

I honestly just stumbled across this channel. I honestly thought this was just gonna be another generic review. But I gotta say, well done. Very well done. You've raised some very valid points. :)

Thanks so much! I try, I try! :)

I am so grateful that we can get someone who cares for us Nigerians and speaks for us. Thanks dear for your concern. Nigeria is a very special country and we've got a lot of experiences to share with you guys on the steem blockchain. Its quite challenging for us here to steem because of the so many challenges we face: irregular electricity, poor mobile network, expensive nature of things around. Well, i think we are ready to make changes in our community and will get there. Kudos! @bethweathcraft

I really hope to see a big Nigerian community on here! I hope we start to see representation from all over the world. Do you guys all have a tag yet so you can find each other? I know Australia has like a #teamaustralia tag. Maybe you guys should have a #teamnigeria tag if you don't already!!

Yes we have a tag for Nigeria. Its simply #nigera. Thanks for the god work you are doing

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Snow in the desert.. That's so absurd. I'm also not that society. Remember spending 3 hours in the toilet at a rooftop party due to anxiety. Yeah branching out is so dope @bethwheatcraft. I really never expected the Nigerian community to draw your attention. Sometimes it can be difficult to use the internet in the Third World. Appreciate your video lady..

Perhaps Dan Larimer is creating competition to challenge the notion of decentralization on the Steem network. Hopefully this one will be decentralized for real. But what a bout Bitshares @bethweatcraft. Would you consider it also not truly decentralized?

I would consider Bitshares to not be truly decentralized. As I said, I think the only way to achieve pure decentralization is for someone to create a system and anonymously back away, and give up ownership of said project. That would be hard for anyone to do so it's highly unlikely, but it's really the only way!

Interesting perspective @bethwheatcraft. Like where you're taking my mind with this..

I am sure that the Nigerians that you have met through Steemit will succeed in growing their population, there are so many young Nigerians with a lot of talent and skill, who struggle to make a living online because they are often banned from other online opportunities because of a lot of scams coming from Nigeria. Seems to be a rule of just blacklisting everybody even the innocent. So hopefully they succeed.

I also agree with your views are decentralisation, if everything was controlled by steem then it would no longer be decentralised.

They are definitely a strong and tight knit community! I do see a bit of prejudice against Nigerians because of the bad example that scammers have set. It will take a lot of effort to get past that hurdle. But I agree that they will succeed in growing their population on here! Thanks for your input!

I hope you get some desert snow.
I recently started following @etemi from Nigeria. She won open mic with a cover of 1+1 that made me cry tears of joy...4 times...


No snow yet, but it's freaking freezing! And by freezing I mean less than 60 degrees. Haha, but that's cold to me! It was only in the 40s when I was doing engagement photos for a client today!!! I was SOOOO cold and stiff! I'm just not used to this weather!

If you have Netflix you need to find the season 2 episode with Bryce Dallas Howard in it. I think that it kind of touches on what you were speaking about the potential of steam in a nightmare boat up boat down type of society. It's very interesting. Also, I'm with you on the Nigerian people thing. As a matter of fact I recently befriended a Nigerian person who I am song riding with over the internet. I'm trying to talk him into joining steemit. I already got him talked into joining musicoin.org. I actually have a song that he wrote on the sound right now that I covered. Lastly, go Amish!

Haha that's awesome! I'm so glad that I am getting such great feedback about the Nigerian community! this is such an unexpected wonderful response! I saw that episode! You are talking about Black Mirror right? Where BDH goes kinda crazy at that wedding and ends up landing herself in jail because her "reputation score" ends up in the toilet. It's a scary thought, and one I always thought that Facebook would lead us to, but I think that Steemit may bring us closer to that than any other social media ever could have! I can't wait to hear the music you are working on! And uh yea, the amish are awesome!

Yes. Black Mirror. It would help if I edited my posts. LOL.

Thanks for pointing out the Nigerian Steem community. I spent 5 formative years a few countries over at a mission clinic in Northern Ghana, so I'm really hopeful that decentralization tech can help struggling people in that area break free of at least some of what's been holding them back.

I think BitShares is much more decentralized than Steem, and hopefully EOS will be even better given its distribution approach. Steem centralization is really pretty bad in my opinion, but that centralization has enabled bootstrapping accessibility to onboard people into the blockchain movement more efficiently than any other network I've seen. I hope Steem's issues can be resolved, but regardless I think for many it's a crucial stepping stone to more sustainable and decentralized networks.


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Hello @bethwheatcraft :)....

On behalf of Myself, all Nigerians on Steemit and many others that will join this great Steemit platform,we all say a big thank :) you for your heartfelt concern...And also a big thanks to all that have commented to this post...Please @bethwheatcraft! i have a great plan towards steemit that i will like to share with you....Chat me up on steemit chat @tkenneth....God Bless Us All :)