Hey guys!
So if any of my friends are even still watching these videos, and they haven't yet closed up shop and left the platform entirely, then hello! It's good to see you. I really appreciate you, and you are really important.
That being said, morale is LOW ya'll. I am sure Steemit has seen its ups and downs in the past, but it seems like the thought on everyone's minds right now is, "is what I am doing worth it?" Should I continue to pursue this crazy wild west and use my time doing it, or is this all a ridiculous pipe dream?
Personally, I think Steemit is pretty awesome, but it also needs a lot of work.
▶️ DTube
when i'm watching your video, it made think about the government why rich is getting richer is because how system was designed for. Life is always been unfair and it always be, since we still in a not fully evolved human being, greed and other unethical behavior will always exist until we fully evolved into righteousness being.
I feel like I am in a better position to be able to talk about this after being back on the platform for a little time now.
I completely echo your opinions and you're right people are leaving, its sad to see the hard workers leave but at the same time steemit is not an employer, it does not hire and fire content creators. The rewards come from inside even though i have been back since January... I joined in June last year. I left pretty much for the way you feel now. I felt I tried to contribute to the platform.
But I can say that the comment you said about for example people who are getting large amounts for shit content, you're right its not fair and you have every right to rant about it.
A woman who stands for fifteen seconds on a video and smashes a coffee cup and gets upvotes over 100sbd, while other people are working their arses off to publish good quality informative information.
And the whole crypto thing..... yep right on.
Here are the biggest problems... Whales have the trending pages, people see the money on the treding pages.
People want the money so they follow the whales, begging for support.
DMANIA!!! annoys me people posting shit memes and getting a ton for them for a ten second meme creator.
Spammers... need I say any more.
I moved away from video you already know that I don't have to go through it again but i am glad I did. Because what people are forgetting that there are hundreds of other minnows who won't give up, who are supporting each other.
This is not a quick fix and it wont be for a long time.... tokens will not fix this... until we get people investing in the platform working for the platform spreading the wealth we will always have this problem.
But we should not be discouraged a post I saw today, a guy who joined in June last year invested no sbd into it now has over 7000 followers and a decent amount of sp to be recognised.
It can be done, but you have to be consistent.... btw your buzzsteem makes you, you need to start doing that again you had a good thing with it, don't lose that it grew your audience, people like me and others relied on that, fuck Beth that was my morning video with coffee to catch on steemit world.
To me your doing what I did you are varying your content and getting frustrated... it is frustrating because thats what happened to me.
Shameless plug here today i spend six hours with a post of my first 30 days full time on steemit I mentioned you btw, I am not making 100's hell I am not even making fucking 5 dollars apost. But what i am getting is a shit load of attention from the people that matter.
Wise up people this is not gonna give you steady income anytime soon, unless your loved and thats a rarity the thing is its what we do as a collective now to make it work for ourselves without whales and dolphins.
First of all, someone has taken my buzzsteem idea and completely ripped it off with a Steemian of the DAy and everything. I saw that and couldn't believe it, felt betrayed and took a break for a while haha.
Anyway, BuzzSteem was also getting sad for me because it was getting harder to find content that hadn't been buried by the crap that is trending. I know people liked it but it took so much time and stopped making money and all that. I mean, I could go back to it, but meh I dunno.
I am glad that you are still going at it. I think you are awesome, and you have a lot to offer Steemit. I really hope you will stick with it. You really should.
I am going no where and I don't think you should either.
BTW I did a comment on one of heijins posts today :D accidently flagged by a whale but it turned out ok in the end. But I wont do it again.... its them and us Beth... them and us.
I just keep thinking that Steemit is going to see waves of new users gradually becoming not-so-new users, followed by a new wave of new users, and with that in mind, if we are relatively new and want the payoff that we see whales enjoying we just need to build a community with people who are at a similar place as ourselves. Theoretically, I will keep supporting the people I am becoming "friends" with now well into the future (if they stick around) and they will keep supporting me. I think what we need is way to keep track of who we really connect with, so we can remember to stay in touch.
I appreciate this post. I just started a week ago. It didn’t take long to realize that this platform is not a meritocracy. The payout on posts and quality don’t correlate in general.
Making money here seems to be a game. It’s not as simple as just creating content. It’s not what I thought it was but I’m still willing to play.
I am losing the game, and I thought I had it figured out. For the life of me I don't even know how to play anymore.
I too have started becoming disillusioned, but I enjoy reading and interacting with some of the people on here too much to leave it just yet. I plan to give it at least a year to see if the juice is worth the squeeze. So we will see you until at least December...I hope.
Something you said really stuck out to me. It was about someone creating a platform that does it right. I’m a developer and I’m going to look into doing that.
I’m a creative and a social entrepreneur. I’d love to start something using the blockchain that aligns more with my interests and talents. I’m still very green and I don’t know if my skills are where they need to be to do something like this. Starting today, I’m going for it. It may just be that I have to partner with someone more experienced.
For lack of a better response, follow me and I will follow you :). I hope you get the irony of the comment, but there is truth in it. Coalition gathering. We need ways of banding together, which I know a lot of effort is going into that in various ways (discord channels, etc.) but I feel like i need to figure out how to do it on a more personal level too.
See that's where I was at a couple of months ago. This works to a degree, but once you have a reliable social circle, you can't really make much unless your social circle is all whales or something, and then you may have all of them leave, like my social circle has done!
I hear that. I hate to say it, but I thought this after I left my comments, but I just can't imagine trying to make this a legit job. I mean, I am hoping like everyone else that it can at least be a legit side gig, but the fact that I am not depending on it is a big luxury. I understand that many people just aren't in that place and don't have the time/energy to spend on something that could just turn out to be folly. But STILL, its always better than wasting time on traditional social media. FWIW, I am following you now, and will see if I can keep up with you, but I am no whale! I found your post in a very roundabout way, so I am just going to chalk it up to serendipity. :)
I think many come here with unrealistic expectations and when their ambitions don't come into fruition within a few weeks they lose confidence. Not everyone can make it, but I've seen a lot of things in the past half + century. I think you have what it takes to make it on this platform.
My perspective is quite different. It took me over 10 years of work in the software business to finally make enough to quit my corporate job of over 21 years. Steemit is really the same way. There aren't enough whales to sift through all the material that gets posted every day.
For that reason, I don't really have a problem with using upvote bots. The idea of shit posts is relative to ones values. You never know when that idle picture that was posted on the internet with nothing more than a sentence and a $100 upvote from a bot could be the one picture that cracked a missing persons case or led to a reunion. If that person had it to invest, then are they not entitled to a return on that investment?
I think that I would have handled the visibility algorithm differently though and not allowed self upvotes or bots to affect visibility in the hot and trending that seem so important to many on here (but not to me because I almost never look there to see what is happening).
There is a big difference between Steemit and Facebook. Facebook uses your posts against you and feeds all this into a pre-crime report for law enforcement. Facebook also deliberately creates an echo chamber where it adjusts what you see according to your keyboard inputs.
Steemit isn't perfect, but people can make it either way through a self fulfilling prophesy. If you think you can make it, you probably can, but if you think you're wasting time, then you definitely are.
When I first got onto Steemit, I paid no attention whatsoever to the trending and hot pages. I always went to new pages. I get my hot and trending not from those pages but from my news feed of follows. It's the reason why I don't follow everyone. I just went to Steemwhales.com to find out who was important, then made adjustments to my follow list based upon later behavior and mentions.
The main problem I see with the platform is the pressure to post multiple times a day. I don't blog about every insignificant thing that comes up. I'm one of those people who would be content with posting once a week or so, but I went against my own grain at the suggestion of @papa-pepper who suggested posting 2 - 4 times a day to gain a following. I have a software business to run and farm chores like splitting wood, but other than that I'm almost ready to retire (I started investing in crypto early 2017 as social security insurance).
It's OK not to post multiple times a day. Just make the few you do good and meaningful ones, then if Steem become the next Reddit, your $0.10 post will be worth about $100.
This is all very true. I guess what I am most disturbed about as of late, are those friends of mine who have nearly been here since the beginning and are no further than they were a year and a half ago. They are packing up and getting out of dodge. They have worked and invested and one of them even has a 4 dollar upvote, but that isn't worth much, even if you do post 4 times a day.
I also dislike having to post so much, but when you are trying to build yourself up, save Steem and use a little bit for your daily expenses too, daily posting is absolutely necessary, but that's where the burnout starts if you are putting in countless hours without much of a reward for it. Sure I can make a few bucks on a video I worked 4 hours on, but I could also make a few bucks working at the home depot down the street, and there isn't the stress of whether or not I am going to get paid. This definitely is not a line of work for the faint of heart, but as you said, it is possible to make something eventually, I just think the levels of success here are very...different.
causing massive disruption to an important internet protocol that relies on time zone accuracy that would not allow encryption to work on smart phones that used the Olson time zone database. This happened because the company that tried to hire me three times then decided to try a lawsuit to try to put me out of business by suing a database I relied on that was used throughout the world.See, you just got an upvote from @dtube... You're one of the lucky ones. I've only had one legitimate upvote from a whale in the first week of posting from @curie and have been ignored ever since. Nevertheless, I was responsible for
Well as I said, I don't think that Steemit is an inherently bad place, just that I was down that so many people were leaving. I am also not afraid to call them out for the things that need changing, if they want to get better/grow, they are going to have to start listening to their users. If there is one thing that I HATE about this place is that it feels like an echo chamber for rah rah cheerleaders, and I can't stand it. In that aspect, it's no better than YouTube censorship, it's just...different. I think people on here would act/post much differently if money weren't at stake (or they wouldn't likely be here at all even). It bothers me though that people won't post how they feel because they are afraid of how it will affect their outcome on here. It is suffocating at times being around so much "niceness" because it isn't real.
Anyway, I will do my best to keep up and tow the rah rah line as much as I can stand, but I have never been too good at playing games and following rules.
That's one of the sad thing here, I try to be a genuine as possible... I think steemit is flawed, but I can see how it's better than many other social media (and most of these flaws are necessary if we don't want an authority to tell us what to do.)
One thing I feel could make steemit WAY BETTER is a better filtering system, a way to search posts containing two or more tags at the same time and a way to filter out a (one or more) tags you don't want to see.
I mean, I can already find good posts when looking at the new (not trending) section of #gaming tag, if I could narrow tags more it will be the best.
You, sir, got yourself a new follower! This comment is so full of great insight! I'm a newbie, and I thought a daily post would suffice, now I'm learning that if you do multiple post a day you'll do better!
A daily post more than suffices. The problem is too many posts and not enough quality. There's no built in game theoretical incentive algorithm that limits post proliferation. People would have better aim if they knew they had fewer arrows to hit the target.
Posting 2-4 times everyday?! what?!!... A good post of mine can take 1-4 hours to write, I can rarely put 2 or 3 posts in one day and not all will be my usual quality, but I can never write 2 posts everyday.
But I don't mind the time
lostinvested, I was doing the same on facebook for free.Yeah when I post multiple times a day, I find I am basically spending my entire day doing work toward Steemit. I was also posting on Facebook daily before now, but honestly not more than a few minutes at a time. I definitely never spent 1-4 hours on a post. I do understand what you mean though!
I occasionally wrote posts that cost me 2 hours on facebook, like analysis posts for a FB group. But I think I'm a strange case.
I have been on the platform since December and following you for about as long. So I am still here for now. I think the whales are what is killing the platform. They are too involved in massaging or bashing each other. They need to start looking at other content and showing appreciation for those who will be what makes this platform grow.
You hit the nail on the head girl. Keep up the fight and keep posting, I love ya!
Hey Beth!!! I give you a shoutout in my latest video here
We gotta hang on until the end! Patience and persistence! Things will work themselves out :) we gotta stay positive and be positive and do our part :)
Aw that's super nice! Yeah I totally agree that ya gotta hold on if ya wanna be successful, though I wasn't just on here for the money, and I really appreciated the friends I had made. I am not a very social person, so it has always been hard for me to make friends. Steemit makes that really easy though. I guess I'm just feeling down since so many friends in my circle have left.
I am new to the platform. I have not uploaded any content yet. I've been checking things out to learn how the system works. I do have some content that I plan to upload to this platform. I had a feeling that things were the way you are describing, the trending page made me wonder. I am not discouraged, but I know that when I do put out content I will aim for quality and not so much for quantity and I really want to connect with other likeminded people on the platform. I will definitely proceed with caution and I am entering with my eyes wide open. I don't want to give up before even trying, so I'll try. Thanks for this video!
This is an excellent place to try your hand at crypto investing. If you're a blogger, you will love not posting for FREE as with other social media platforms.
Jmho, but vloggers who love photography and diy food vids do a lot better, in many cases, than just the generic blog.
Steemit has been a Godsend hobby for me, as I get a few pennies that grow in value, and offer an opportunity to learn the ins and outs of trading, with zero coming out of pocket.
WARNING: Steemit has a steep learning curve, meaning, you have to do your own research on how things 'work'. I suggest finding a few 'experts' in trading to follow, and, treat every offer to spend your money on bots very carefully, aka run ;+)!
Btw, here's a welcome-to-Steemit tip! @evelynspeaks. And, stay encouraged. We all started with a 25; and grew our ranks bit by bit in MOST cases. Some grew the numbers by filling their Wallet with their own cash. This is a very decentralized platform. You will find a little bit of everything here. So, enjoy the view.
Best regards.
Thank you for the valuable tips! I appreciate the warm words of welcome and the encouragement.
Take care.
Totally! This wasn't to discourage newbies at all, just an honest representation of how I am feeling today as my circle of friends starts to dwindle.
I understand. I'm glad you made this video. Thanks so much! :)
Crypto Tip: Some Buys Best Left For Days W/O A “Y”@spiritualmatters wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @spiritualmatters if you like it :)
Hi @evelynspeaks! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @spiritualmatters!It honestly does feel like of our little gang that started, you and I are the only ones left... I've noticed that even our yoga/pole friends are earning significantly less than they were. I'm back to earning my $3 posts and I've noticed the chance of getting a random $5 or $8 comment vote has gone from once or twice a week... to zero.... and because Whales seem to have lost interest then people aren't creating as amazing content and we're on a downhill slide.
I think the problem is that we're all here to make money, and that's probably not the right approach - we should be here because it's fun and interesting and friendly and we can do things here that we can't do on other social media. I think we need to forget about the money side although and use it as a platform to do what we love.
YouTubers didn't originally make any money... they just loved the idea that people could see their videos.. and I think that's the mindset we need to have.
I'm sorry that someone ripped off your ideas.. that sucks... but unfortunately it's always going to happen whenever you do something great... so the secret is to always be improving, always be getting better so that if someone copies you... they're coping yesterdays-Beth... and they're still nowhere near tomorrows-Beth.
All our friends that have left... I really wish they'd set their accounts to follow curation-trails or delegate their SP or something... all that 100%VP just sitting there makes me cry...
Oh my gosh, I know right?!? I was really sad about @pawsdog, and @mrpuzzle and a number of others, on top of those I have noticed that are talking about leaving. And those people are like nearly dolphins. Or maybe just bass...puffer fish? Who knows?
I would love to just use the platform to just use it, and I totally understand where you are coming from, though, then why not just use another platform? I mean, sure FB takes my info and such, but I do still laugh for hours looking at my friends' memes on Facebook. Most everyone I know is still there, and even though I had to invest a little into FB, I have a fan page of over 2000 followers, and FB helped get our last video out to over 150k views. I am definitely not pulling those kinds of numbers here.
I don't know, I guess I am just sad and discouraged, and feel alone.
And @just2random too...
You're allowed to feel sad and alone... but I'm still here, I've got your back! I doubt I'll ever leave Facebook though... and while the random comments sometimes drive me bonkers, I've got a decade of life just sitting right there... with all my friends and event notifications.
I guess I've come from a completely different place... where I used to write on my own website and no one would read it... no one would comment and no one would engage (except for the 3 weeks when the TV show was on and I'd get 10,000 daily views). I'd put posts on Facey, and then people would comment, but those comments were on Facebook which meant that people Googling my page would never see those conversations... so for me Steem is a huge improvement.. and with it's high Alexa score it helps Google rank my website too.
In times like this, I think of the early adopters who have now become whales... they had no idea if this would have any sort of success, but they kept plugging away because they saw the potential in the platform. I feel the same way... I imagine that once summer rolls round that crypto will be on everyone's minds again (after a stack of technological improvements have been completed) and Steem will be back to where it was... or something like EOS comes along and is better, but it airdrops it's token to all of us and we play on both. Morale might be low right now and for the next few months, but the future does look bright to me.
Yeah, @just2random promised he wasn't leaving, just downsizing his contributions. It's hard to say for sure if we will see much of him though. It's definitely very sad. Our shitpost-searching #fight4steem group is gone. I am glad you are still here. You were my first friend, and I am happy to see your posts still!
Hey Beth,
I understand your frustration. Just as an example, I think my highest-earning post ever on this platform was under $5. And we started at the same time. Granted, I've been doing it very different than you and not as focused or intent on success. As a creative, I really, really hear what you're saying.
I was excited to comment on a post after discovering something because I wanted to share it with you. I'm still going to do that. You called out all these pop-up steemit schools with their self-proclaimed gurus, and I see where you're coming from, but I actually found one that I think is worthwhile.
No, I haven't joined a cult. LOL.
I'm actually not even going to mention the school by name here, and if you are interested all you have to do is look on my page and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Of course it's on a Discord Channel, and I've actually joined a couple different types of Discord channels, but this is the only school that I've joined.
I'll just list the benefits. Number one. Voice and communication. There's something to be said about actual interaction with a voice, and on these Discord channels the interaction is real. That in itself has been Monumental in revitalizing my spirit for steemit. The second thing I found here is community. I know that steemit itself is a community, but getting into a smaller Community has done wonders for me in feeling some sort of connectedness. Yes, there is a guru at the head of the school, but really that's not why I'm involved. Maybe for others it's their main reason, but mine is the community that I found where I'm at.
I think this community that I've joined on Discord is truly something special, and they need people just like you badly, and they're very open to people who are willing to be leaders. I also think your voice is needed there to be a realist, so that the real questions and concerns of all the new people that others may be afraid to speak up on, myself not included, will have voices like yours to bring up those issues and address those things publicly.
I don't think you're a Negative Nancy, as a matter of fact your brutal honesty is definitely needed.
I understand if Discord channels are not your thing, hell, I knew absolutely nothing about Discord before I decided to see what was going on there because I kept seeing all these people inviting people to their Discord stuff, but if you do happen to come over and take a listen, let me know.
Regardless, I just want you to know you are my favorite steemer. 😎
You're the bees knees! Thanks for such a great comment! I will check that Discord out!
100% agree! There needs to be big change here for it to make it. Abuse and bots I believe are the big problems.
First I think bots need to go and be replaced with real people that curate quality content. There are people here that I know you could delegate your SP to that do well at curating and up voting good quality content. Delegate to a curator and watch how he does if he slacks off or up votes content you don't like undelegate your SP and find someone that does a good job. Whales should be looking for quality content and up voting the good people and not making bots and letting shit post be bought. We could maybe have only one bot and a content creator could be put on a list that gets auto voted on as long as they are producing good content. They get removed from the bot if they start abusing with shit post/content. Once a creator has grown to a certain limit that they can help grow their own communities they are removed from the list. Steemvoter is a good program I believe but there has to be a limit of like 3-5 votes per day. I use steemvoter myself but only on people I know i will watch and are quality. If i cant be on steem its nice to know that the people i really want to support are still supported if i take vacation or can't make it on. People will have to choose their favorites since it would be very limited. Spam\plagiarism bots are a good thing. I like cheetah for instance.
One other problem I see also is there is bickering between some curators and creators. I have seen many people complaining about curators and that they need to go away. Many of these same people that say this don't bother to up vote on any of the comments on their own post. Voting on the comments and the people that are regular voters of your content will help you grow. When you up vote those people that follow you they gain a little power that they use on you the next week to grow your content. Its like a big circle it should start at top and trickle down. At this point it seems that content creators think they are everything. Creators don't believe that the people that sit and read for hours looking for quality content to up vote are contributing anything. The people that watch, read, comment, and vote are also important. I don't think creators have 3 or 4 hours a day to sit and dig through the crap and find quality to reward. Everyone has a job here on steem. The shitty content creator does not need upvotes. The curator that just logs on and upvotes a few random posts and says great video on a few random videos don't need upvoted.
I am not sure on how to fix the abuse though I have not put enough thought about that subject. I had thought about a payment limit per day possibly but there are a few issues with that one being gofundme type posts. I am not putting a bunch of money into this system until things are fixed. I have been on steemit for a bit over a month now and when i joined I super excited until I dug a little and seen the problems and was turned off right away from putting my money into it. Its a great platform has great potential but as a outsider coming into it its scary. I believe most people that come and see the abuse and bots are instantly turned away. Like you said its a bunch shit most times on trending and such. Does anyone think that a good first impression of steemit is coming to the site the first time and see bots and shitty content on the top?
I need to get going its lunch time! Sorry if its abrupt end! Probably alot of errors and such hope this is readable. Have a great day!
you're such a great natural speaker, i tried vlogging for the first time myself today and realise you how much harder it is than it first seems. keep up the great content :)
Aw thanks! I did lots of speech and debate in high school and college. I thought I wanted to be a politician! Ha! Needless to say that didn't work out, but there are endless things that speaking comes in handy for, I'm finding out!
Sounds like you need to get a podium and plant it in the middle of a campus outdoor hangout, crank up the mike and start campaigning. That's what the former POTUS did...worked for him ;+).
You are far too young to be talking about things not working out! Do you want to be a politician or not? Ha! I say go for it. I'd rather hear you say I ran for city council, than I wanted to be...Make the effort if it's in your DNA ;+)!!!
Best regards.
Everything will be ok, take a look at my last post, people that left they are losing a lot, I am here for more than 9 months and I still earn cents but I never give up on steemit and I will still fight to grow here, if people are buying upvotes is ok, if they are earning good money is good, any platform can have famous people and not famous one.
If steemit is not ok we can try : busy.org, dtube, chainbb, dsound, and a lot of other helpful platforms like utopian and even steemgigs.
I think we have to learn more but not complain and run, I am here and I will be here as long as the website work.
Every success need a hard work, nobody told us that we will be rich very fast here, we have to keep trying, I am happy you are still trying whatever you think about steemit.
Please don't leave we need more honest people like you, I am happy anyway to watch your video.
Well this was more of a reflection of a cumulative range of emotions being felt on the platform right now and not just my own individual opinions. I do think this is an awesome platform like I said, but also like I said, it needs work. Just because some people are pleased as punch with themselves for what they are making, doesn't make Steemit is fine to continue on without any changes. A good platform is constantly evolving, and Steemit must do the same if it is to compete with future platforms.
As I said, I don't want to be deemed the negative Nancy, but I also can't be a relentless cheerleader. I like to keep things as real as possible with coming off whiny. It's a hard balance to strike.
Hey Beth,
Last night while waiting for the first episode of my new vlog to export, I clicked on your feed to watch the latest 'Now Music' cover. There was no music cover so instead, I watched this video, and read the comments section below it with interest.
First of all, I am a big fan, your videos are always fun and the music covers are totally awesome and obviously take a lot of hard work and commitment... but having only really got active on Steemit over the past 10 days (or so) I had never watched an older episode of BuzzSteam.
My vlog was going to be a weekly 'review' of Steemit. I would briefly promote my own posts (there will be some one day, I promise Steemit) and then go on to discuss exciting content I had found, new users that I thought deserved a mention etc (you know where this is going).
I had done a brief search around DTube looking for keywords like 'review' 'roundup' 'weekly' etc and nothing had come up so I figured that this was safe ground. The point is I had basically ripped off your idea for BuzzSteam without knowing I had done so. Now I do know I am postponing the release of this video while I have a little think about things.
The point is (and I have not seen the other vlog that you are upset about and I also don't know the background or just how similar it is) maybe they did this by accident too? Like I say, I am very much the optimist and like to believe the best in people, so you know, there is a chance of coming up with Steemian of the Day without necessarily stealing it maliciously. Perhaps the new vlog you are talking about is, like me, guilty of nothing more than doing insufficient research?
Lastly, Steemit is a platform that despite having its flaws (I agree wholeheartedly with most of what you say in the video above) might well be around for another 1000 years, is there not room for more than one series reviewing stuff on here. As you say, the trending page is garbage and newbies can't get a view let alone a decent upvote. Surely the more people promoting decent content in whatever form can only be good for everyone?
Anyhoo, like I say, I am postponing the start of my new project to have a think about this. I might still go ahead but just want to ponder it for a little bit first.
This comment comes in peace, I'm a huge fan of your passion and musical talent and I certainly hope you don't disappear anytime soon.
P.S. I would like to echo the comments of @jchauhan below, you make this chatting to the camera shiz look easy, it is not, I salute you :-)
Oh it was more of a comment in jest than anything. I do think he was "inspired" by my posts, because we coincidentally have a lot of friends in common that he has spoken about, so it's unlikely he doesn't know who I am...but that's ok. You are right, there is enough room on here for lots of things, I just wanted to offer something that the platform didn't have. I feel like there is so much repetition on here that I tried to avoid that from the get-go.
I totally get what you are saying and I didn't mean to sound petty. Just offering a reason why I hadn't been producing my show as of late. I totally think that you should do your show. Don't worry about me. Plus, I think I am moving BuzzSteem to Dlive anyway, so there shouldn't be a conflict of interest.
I guess I don't try to see the best side of people as often as I should. I am kind of a pessimist that way. Thanks for this post though! I will give him the benefit of the doubt, and ultimately it's a place of decentralization. Anyone is allowed to do what they want. I don't own the news about Steemit, haha.
Hey, thanks for replying!
I am pretty new here and trying to find my way, find something interesting to talk about. It's funny but I was apprehensive about doing the video I was going to do as it didn't really feel like me! When I saw your vid last night it just made me think a bit... I want to do something original and something that I will keep doing for years, that is the way to go on here I think. Steemit may have problems but I think it is the future of social media.
If the person you are talking about did see your Steemian of the Day feature and steal it then that is pretty shitty obviously... you can do the same but at least call it something different! As one of life's optimists, I am compelled to see the good in everyone if possible but some people are just dicks, there is no getting around that fact!
My main goal is to use this platform as a way to keep sticking at projects long term. I think that hard yards for little reward are kind of the way in any new walk of life you try to get into!
I hope you keep doing your stuff and that the system don't grind you down. Your Backstreet Boys cover is literally the best thing I have seen anywhere for years. The important thing is that if you enjoy making the videos... I take your 'three kids' point on board though, I am childless and have the luxury of being able to survive on a bag of pasta and a few vegetables a week so, you know, life can be pretty simple for me.
I may still do the vlog I was thinking of but more than likely I will incorporate a little part of it into something else.
Stay cool Beth!
Very well said. This expressed some of the feelings that I have been having off and on. I just keep telling myself to keep creating and let what happens happen. In the end the creating part brings me joy. Sad that there are things that can cloud that joy. I am giving myself a time limit and then I will measure investments and gains at the end and make a decision whether I will continue on producing content. I will probably still continue to consume and interact as much as I can with content on the platform if I decide to leave. I've made a lot of friends here as well and I enjoy their content especially. Thanks for sharing.
price of steem reflects this post!
Haha. Man this would be a lot funnier if it wasn't so sad.
The problem is that the people on steemit, not reading, comment and not upvote. I thing everyone need to post 3-4 times a week and read, comment and upvote other persons posts, twice a day,(about 10 posts). You don't need to wait for a whale to upvote you post. You must grow, and to grow you must be very active. And comment you give it to someone, must allways come with a vote.
i agree with you..
That's the standard that people maintain, which is fine if you live in a place where pennies actually mean something, but ultimately the system is flawed. Gaining more people following you doesn't mean gaining upvotes, and that's why even people who have 20k people following them only have 200 people upvoting them. I mentioned that in my video.
Brilliant ! You hit the nail on the head with this one - well done ! You should definitely keep producing content as you are one of the better vlogers here. Also I respect people, who have the balls to challenge the status quo. Nice !
To be honest 6-7 people have signed up on my recommendation on this platform and NONE, I mean NONE of them uses it. The main reason being - people just self-serve themselves, the trending page is another thing. JERRY BANFIEL promoting his bot and his event getting 2000$ in rewards... WHAT ?! Haejin getting 5 spots on the list, some guy with totally copy/pasted content upvoted himself to trending. What the hell, why would someone bust his ass off, if you can make plenty of $ elsewhere.
People are leaving and I think it will only get worse if we don't do anything about it - on the end there will be 1M "Active Users " - The 1% that is doing extremely well, the 5% that is doing descent, the 10% that make something on the side, the 50% Bot Farmers, who upvote their photos with 100SBD, the 24% that are slowly realizing what's going on and the 10% that thinks it all can be great if little changes are implemented.
I guess we will see.... Steemit is like a badly governed country. The thing is that there is nowhere else to go FOR NOW ! If they don't fix it themselves, someone else will fix it for them :)
Thank you for your video. I am sp glad to see that I am not alone with this opinion. The trending page is full of crappy memes and/ or crypto currency topics. How boring. At least if you have a life and interest aside from bitcoin and co.
Maybe I am to new here on steemit and I am not here for making money but I still like it. Posting some blog post or upload a video and see how its going. The good here compared to my old blog for example, here I can see imediatelly if someone likes what I did because of the upvote or an comment. Pae and me still do little party for every upvote we get because that means there is someone out there who we not know and who not know us but shows that he like what we have done. That is such an pleasant feeling.
Ok, might be I am using steemit wrong. But that is ok for me. I have my enjoyment. Better then facebook it is even steemit is using my time and content to attract new user. Facebook does it too and worse. On facebook you are not a user, you are the product offered to the companies.
I don't watch all of your videos or read the content you create because not all appeal to my interest but it would be sad if you would leave this platform sooner or later because it is hard to find some serious content creator here who not only reuse old contend he published on youtube or other sites years ago.
But I can understand if it is your main source of income. At the end of the day the bills have to be paid.
Follow me and I follow you back... No just kiding, follow you already and don't want anyone to follow me who not interested in what I am posting here.
Have a good day!
Yeah I enjoy Steemit for more than money too. The problem is if we ignore these problems for too long, and too much of the website becomes inactive, it has knock on effects that will potentially damage the future of the platform. Steemit needs users as much as users need Steemit, more so even. The only thing that gives Steem its value is people's faith in it. If that is undermined, everything will crash and burn.
"...it's just like real life where nothing is fair" yup! That's exactly right.
I was one of those that thought they'd stumbled upon the perfect platform, but I've been around so long that I maintained some skepticism. I'm now more smart about my content. I guess I'm doing sort of ok, but I'm not putting my all in it anymore.
This is a great post! I started, seriously, about 2 weeks ago, and I was blindly bullish about it. However, now that I see a contrarian approach it gives me pause. It makes me stay grounded about my steemit prospects. I appreciate your video!
I'm definitely not trying to discourage anyone. I think there is still success to be found here, but I am feeling a bit gutted by having had all my friends leave!
piss you off inyourface post, although all I'm wanting to do is objectively present a POV without being too 'echo-chamber niceynice' (I'm learning) 😌.Hmm @bethwheatcraft, certainly feel the low morale floating around here my friend :D. ... speaking of friends, you were the first person I connected with on Seemit, when you left a warm, welcoming message on my intro post - a million years, and just a few months, ago! I was really uplifted by it....since then, your voice has also been a bit of a Steemit-pulse for me and I have learnt a great deal. I'd like to offer you something different here.... it's potentially a
I see the perspective presented here (and feel it Beth, lotsa anger) - about a system increasingly cluttered with off-putting junk, disillusioned dropouts, old-style bullshit myths of hard work = success, wtf, crime pays, all a possible waste of time and so forth. I've been pricked by these sentiments too. But all this comprises a perspective Beth, it's not a statement of how things are!! Sure it could be, but is it really so, and wtf am I on about?
There are emotional elements to the perspective in your vid - disappointment, sentimentality, fear, anger, disillusionment, frustration, sadness, pessimism ('is anyone even watching this?') etc. There is the sense that there's not going to be enough after all, the system isn't working the way we thought it would, it's no different in some ways from the bankster controlled economies of the physical world that we thought we were beginning to leave behind....and so forth.
This perception (which is not the same as you) has the characteristics of the 'scarcity' mindset - the game we've been brought up to believe as the only way to live; we have to compete, to hoard, to accumulate at the cost of personal choice, integrity, health blah blah...that this is the natural and inevitable way of things. Also there are simpler factors - expectations - especially wishful thinking....reality usually turns out differently (no comparative value judgments of 'better' or 'worse', just different) and disappointment is bound to follow! This is all subjective.
I'd like to challenge this perception. I'm sure you understand it's not personal. I think it is pretty widespread. I don't think it has much, if anything, to do with actual wealth, possessions, crypto etc that anyone holds. I'm also not saying that everyone is here just to make money. I'm saying that seeing in oneself the possiblity of not being 'financially successful' on Steemit, and getting depressed as a result, is a symptom of scarcity thinking. And what does this notion of success suggest and mean anyway? Are creativity and self-expression dependent on/factors of (potential) payout? Do we not have enough self-confidence and faith in ourselves and our output - what non-crypto value does it hold for us? Is the quality of output diluted by placing attention (and energy) on earning potential and strategy (mine & others') instead of content/self-expression? Is it actually even necessary or useful to worry about these things?
his excellent post on the Abundant mindset, as he relates it to Steemit and life in general! There are also other Steemit posts exploring these themes, please look around if interested.So what's the counter argument barge? Where is Abundance if Scarcity is but an illusion we play with? ...fair enough, I left myself open to that, although I do think that the above questions are valid by themselves :D .....I'm going to ask @taskmaster4450 to speak, and spell it out in
That's it more or less! The question worth pondering is whether Abundance is a thing or not - or - whether this comment is a load of tripe or something worth considering :D - I'm cool either way, these words may have ruffled some feathers. The concluding thought is that if Scarcity is indeed found to be an illusion - what then could be behind all the outrage, disappointment and anger on this platform (or anywhere)? It is not to do with anyone else! It is to do with individual perception, and this is to do with emotional and psychological traumas, issues, phobias etc carried through since early years (yeah!). I'm totally out on a limb here, but this how I see it, and I am challenging you to challenge your own perceptions on this (I am nobody, to think or be responsible for YOUin general). Target the barge with your anger if you like, but do consider considering the perception :D
Your practical points and observations on what's going on in Steemit all make sense btw Beth, this is about challenging the perception of what one assumes reality to be, not about meekly accepting the unacceptable.
Lastly, pls excuse a(nother) link to an article by me on perceptions of scarcity in the Steemniverse. It's relevant to my comment, and is way past payout anyway :D
We'll get through it! The situation will shift, as will our focus on the ephemeral.
Oh no you are totally right. This is just my perspective. However, the opposite is true. Users like @taskmaster potentially have brighter outlooks on Steemit if they are doing well, or if they don't have to worry about money on here, and are able to accept it on its face for what it is: which is basically an experiment. The problem inherently is if you don't have that advantage, which I would argue is more people than not on here.
The scarcity mentality will only leave when scarcity leaves, when people can feed their kids and pay their bills without worry, when some people no longer live in a country where it costs half of your monthly wage just for medical insurance, not to mention copays, deductibles and prescriptions.
I think this argument of yours is assuming that we are already in the future. Ultimately, people need some assurance before they can believe that we are in a world where scarcity no longer exists. We can't just will it into existence.
I can understand however that this is just my perspective. I however had felt that many people shared my perspective, and from the comment response, I would definitely say that's so. So how many shared perspectives need to exist in order for that to become what the reality is? What therein is reality even if not shared perspective on a thing? Whoa. I feel all Matrix-y right now. Anyway, thank you for the insightful comments!
agreed that most people on steemit don't have influence, and this mirrors the Matrix. However, this takes place within the game, and seems to come from a place where success is measured in terms of influence and wealth. It can be if one chooses to play that way! Sure TM may be coming from a position of 'comfort' and 'security' (also illusory symptoms of the scarcity mindset IMO), but I don't think that has much bearing on what he is saying about the presence of Abundance.
The case is the opposite from my perspective. Abundance actually is, it is the illusory scarcity mentality that obscures sight of it when we are immersed in worry. Again, this may sound like bullshit at first level of inspection, given the way appearances suggest things may be/are (poverty, starvation, fatcats, wars etc), fair enough! I think it is to be investigated deeply for oneself, there is no conclusive evidence. I don't think higher stuff works like that (is there any conclusive evidence that unconditional LOVE exists? for example). The Matrix is the Matrix for a reason :D...If as you may be saying, reality can follow perception (So how many shared perspectives need to exist in order for that to become what the reality is?), do we then not have any control over our own perceptions?....such that we can actually begin to control or at least, influence, our own realit(ies)y? And is there anything that exists independent/outside of our perception? ...hmm that's an old old philosophical enquiry, and I doubt if words/thoughts/left-brain can do it justice.
People start realizing that their expectations were too high when they joined.
Making money on Steemit is easy. That doesn't mean it is for free.
I had no expectations except a level playing field. It does not exist. Greetings!
I don't know what that means.
You mean that it would be fair?
Yes. When Dtube gives a no effort, no sound, no intro, no outro, 90 second video a $210 up vote, there is no way we can compete with that. DTube clearly shows a bias for certain types of content, and that is bad form for any platform that wants to attract content creators. People that spend a day or more shooting and editing a video are going to run, not walk, away from this platform. Also some whales with a temper tantrum hijacking someone's account and extorting them to get their account of the bots will destroy Steemit if left unchallenged.
Agree with that.
He should employ some people to do the voting for him, would be dangerous for his account tho.
Steemit is a huge circle-jerk and it pisses me off as well.
One of the bigger trolls has a reputation of (-xx), but his bot network allows him to continue no matter what. He auto flags certain accounts with about 14 bots and uses the same bots to up vote his own posts and comments.
It can be entertaining to read, but my advice is to not get involved in any way shape or form if having an income is a primary objective. Schöne grüße!
Grüße aus Remscheid.
It is quite dangerous here to get involved into drama as you lose money.
You have something like thieves here, they do not grab your money out of your pocket but they can prevent you from getting more (or anything in some cases).
Well, I mean, the ad to get people here says "make money on Steemit." So it isn't exactly shocking that people feel misled when they realize all of the intricacies that go along with that. And you are right, making money on Steemit is incredibly easy if you have hundreds of thousands to invest. Though the same could be said about YouTube. It is easy now to buy votes and views and non-organically "build" a following. I wish the platforms weren't set up that way, but wishing doesn't get you anywhere, and I am poor as fuck, so all I can do is create the best content that I can and hope for the freaking best.
I invested 0 cash into Steemit and I can live from Steemit after 4 months only.
Just curious, about how many hours are you putting in weekly?
3 hours per day for Steemit, so around 21 hours per week.
Wow you must have an incredibly fast computer to upload videos in that amount of time. Sometimes it takes me 1-2 hours just to upload my vids. So between filming, editing, and uploading, I can usually count on at least 4 hours a day, which doesn't leave much room for commenting which is how I understand a lot more money can be made.
If it is a creative video, which I hope to make more of because Dtube is greatly lacking much artsy creativity, I easily spend 10-12 hours on a video between filming and editing. Of course those videos aren't totally necessary, but I imagine that future visitors are going to want to see more than just a bunch of faces talking into their camera about how great Steemit and crypto are.
Money doesn't mean so much to me on here, if it did, I would have left a while ago. I am sad that so many people are dropping off though.
A new computer will be a good investment for you.
Regarding money: People all know how to make more cash, but they never think about needing less cash.
Needing less puts you more in touch with basic human living. More Nature, more physical work, it is good for your mind, spirit and body.
True progress nowadays would be what I have described above.
All this technological and scientific advance has made people lazy, stupid and in many cases even mentally and socially retarded.
I like how you speak your mind
Thanks Beth!
I came here because YouTube demonetized my videos and pushed my videos back with their algorithm.
Now I'm here seeing this here and I think to myself: "Well, this website will not help me at all too...."
Well it just depends. Consistently? Maybe not. If you are ok with receiving an upvote merely occasionally, then it may be worth it.
The power of the down-vote will help to raising the level of the content.
Spammers and low level posts will some day disappear.
Interesting account of things. I opened an account quite a while ago but haven't been very active until a week or two ago and am still figuring out how things work. I appreciate you making this video and offering your perspective. Upvoted and followed :)
You can still go back play the facebook and instagram game 😂😅
One of my close friends from high school is making 10k a video right now on Facebook, so..😂😅
Yeah, it's easy by doing ads. I've been doing internet marketing for over a decade. I might know him, who is he :)
Well he is actually an actor that had a video go viral last May, and caught Facebook's attention. His name is Ben Giroux.
Something totally needs to change in regard to upvotes, I've noticed that some of the top #Steemians rely only on a single up vote to receive their reward. For example, the average person curating content here doesn't hold enough value in pushing a talented content creator forward! By not rewarding those who are actually killing it here on Steemit, they're going to become discouraged and leave entirely.
Yeah, it's already happening. I have noticed that too. That's why it's a bit misleading for people to think they can really make money on here without a whale or a shit ton of luck.
Well by the looks of things, you have been doing okay here on Dtube to a certain degree. Are you thinking about quitting?
I think I will be around for a while yet...the inconsistencies can be maddening though!!!
I totally understand that! Its rough out in these Steemit streets! lol
click here.Congratulations @bethwheatcraft, this post is the tenth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superuser account holder (accounts that hold between 1 and 10 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superuser account holders during this period was 1568 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $13706.73. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,
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I like selfie videos about travel idea. Hope to build some kind of TripAdvisor with SMT (Social Media Tokens) when they are ready.
P.S. I quit YouTube about 10 years ago. I should have continued vlogging ...but hey, nobody was paying me. Guess what, I regret it now.
Glad to see someone else addressing the shitty trending page. I'm sick of seeing the only content on Steemit being about cryptocurrency.
The best way to know if you need a break is to take a break. When you start talking about quitting, you're typically just voicing what you've already done.
Steemit will ALWAYS be here, and equally what's yours to have. Perhaps, it's time to go out and create a real income that serves your yen. If you're here for the dinero, you seem to be on track by the looks of your payout on this post. ;+)....
If it makes you feel better, few consistent bloggers can say they never wrote a rant or pity-party post. Feel better, and allow your inner spirit to draw you in the creative vein you need most.
Best regards.
Have you heard of Yours.org ? Maybe you should take a look.. I am originally a Yours user and I just tried Steem for couple of weeks, and I find it terrible. This site is just telling that if you have money you have influence. It sucks.
I'm sorry I was being hacked! I have deleted the spam and working on clean up! Love and Kisses @marie