I fear that the government has its tentacles in far too deep to ever be rendered obsolete, but Steemit and the upcoming battle against the repeal of Net Neutrality will turn a lot of heads I hope.
My husband is a pro-gov guy and it's astounding to me how much a.) faith he has in our government and b.) how much fear he has imagining a world without it.
I have come to realize that people my age have always known a life with complete government intervention, so they can't imagine a life without it. So many government programs are less than 40 years old, but people treat them as a staple of our way of life. It's mind-boggling.
When I asked my husband what the Dept. of Ed has done for education, or what small art startups like ours the NEA has helped fund, he came up speechless. Corrupt politicians make money from government programs. Where there is money to be had at the public's expense, there will be corruption and waste. People have been duped. Tentacled and duped.
Blockchain to the rescue?