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RE: Aussie Ninja - Heat Run on Australian Ninja Warrior 2017

in #dtube7 years ago

It spins me right round, baby right round like a record baby, right round, round, round! I have such high hopes for DTube, I truly hope it improves! I want to post straight to DTube but if people can't see what I post, what's the point! Grr Argh! Luckily I saw this on YouTube! So cool!


I've noticed time of the day seems to make a huge difference on both playing videos and loading videos. My lache one didn't work for the entire day, I tried multiple times... then I chucked it up in the evening and it was no problem at all.

I was going through the same issue though, I really want D.Tube to be better, because I want to use to expand on my posts... the little lache video just doesn't make sense on my YouTube channel.... I've also noticed that sometimes @dtube will upvote a dtube video... and it's upvote is worth like $50... so that's pretty motivating...