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RE: BuzzSteem Ep. 20 - @bethwheatcraft [Stock Market Dive, Whales Stepping Up, New Year's Fails and Wins]

in #dtube7 years ago

Yeah I am not so much drawn to the job for the reasons that I am sure some men are (ie the thrill of bashing a head against the pavement) but to sincerely help people. I get it, working the beat will have me largely disliked, and probably harassing poor homeless people to remove themselves from private property, but from what my friend who is a detective in Mesa told me, women don't work the beat too long typically and get put on other assignments. I would be happy to be a school resource officer, available to speak with children who are having issues, or simply being a presence that discourages bullying. I would also, as I said above, be thrilled to work in sex trafficking or sex offense.

I understand contempt for the police, and I consider myself a libertarian, but I am just not really on the anarchy train quite yet...and to be honest, Steemit has been EYE OPENING in that regard. Steemit is the all-time experiment in whether or not a community can police themselves, and I think it has done a fairly piss poor job of it. I am not saying things would be much better, if we had the Zuckerazzi up our bumholes, but a place with basically no rules, rampant cheating, theft and reward pool rape, and we see how a potential real-life community might look without any kind of consequences, or the people there to enforce them.


OMG, I thought you were going to be a dispatcher or work in the jail, now I am concerned for your welfare.
You will not like working with the literal scumbags that you will meet, both in and out of uniform.
I was a doc guard for awhile, and I got along better with the inmates, they were more honest.
You CANNOT advance without being dirty, the system won't let you.
I got canned when I told the truth to internal investigators about an incident where a young kid got sent to max, and killed, literally spread across the walls of the cell, because some d**khead of guard had a little penis.
It was a definitely silver lined cloud, that one, for me, not for the kid.

Here is few women that might help you better understand what anarchism is about:

I wish there was an easier way to free your mind, but unskooling/reading, are about the only ways to get it done.

Now I'm hoping you don't get it, better to find a job driving a forklift, or something,...Budweiser is hiring.
Your local stagehand union will likely take you, too.
You will have to work your way up, but it beats the ultimate disillusionment that will come with being a cop, I guarantee.