BuzzSteem Ep 5 - The only place for exclusively Steemit news!

in #dtube7 years ago

Greetings Steemians!

So what is on the docket for today Beth? Well I am so glad you asked!

Today I talked about:

  • @dlive and their upcoming promotion! (You really need to get on that, like now.)

  • Steempress and its subsequent producers/creators @scottyeager, @howo and @frederikaa (Sorry if I butchered your names! The lack of uppercase letters makes names confusing on here!)

  • Creator @flauwy and his awesome Steemit tutorials

  • Usser @netuoso and his awesome project to simplify the SBD/Steem conversion confusion on payouts, which can be found here:

  • @adamkokesh and the number you can call to help get him out of jail: 940-627-5257

  • @neilstrauss and his beautifully written blog on Kurt Kobain

  • @onnovocks and his awesome band recording videos.

For everything else, you're just going to have to tune in now aren't you!

Disclaimer - I have a bad cold, and I am terrible at pronouncing names, so if I totally jacked up the pronunciation of your username, please kindly correct me below!

Also, if you would like to catch up on my latest BuzzSteem news videos, they can be found below! Thanks for your continued support guys, I couldn't do this without you!

Episode 4

Episode 3

Episode 2

Episode 1

▶️ DTube

I'm not sure about this AdamKoKesh thing. After watching the event that caused his arrest, I'm not sure he wants to get out because it's good publicity. I'm sure it'snot fun though.

Yeah I don't know either. I'm just continuing to cover the biggest trending things on Steemit, and I can hardly look anywhere without seeing something about Adam Kokesh, haha!

They raised the money to get him out on bail, but from what I heard; he refused. Not sure what's going on there.

That's dumb. I will have to look more into this! He has been known to be pretty dramatic in the past though, so nothing surprises me!

He got a donation of 1500 steem for bail from johalfiles (see wallet). Add the massive payouts and his bail,with his house as collateral (bailbondsman wants 10% of +/- $85,000 bail, this is standard), is covered. That's all I know other than the bone head move of planning to drive an unregistered RV through multiple no tolerance States like TX and FL.

Oh I didn't catch the bit about his RV. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Yeah Texas is no freaking joke. They are ticket happy as it is, so if you have drugs or are breaking some other kind of rule, expect the worst!

Wow thank you so much for posting these, it is so hard to keep up with everything going on and if there is a source which is giving all this info out then you are the person doing it great job. (Subscribed.)

I am so glad you like it! It has been a blast learning about all of the different people on Steemit, from whales to minnows!

#Steempress is amazing so far. The creators @scottyeager, @howo and @frederikaa have done an amazing job. Thank you for bringing this up and I want to thank them for all they are doing as well.