Your Question To A Billionaire + Contest #AskABillionaire

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

Get "The Billion Dollar Secret":

Provide in the comment below your question about business strategies that you always wanted to ask a billionaire. I will ask some of the most interesting questions in my upcoming interview with a billionaire friend and answer them in the book. Additional prize: the author of the best question will be named in the acknowledgments section of my next book.

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Hi guys today I am standing here in the fron of FOX News, as you see.

FOX Corporation is the largest TV Network in the United States and I will be giving interview for FOX News Morning Show.

So, probably the most watched TV News program in the States. Of course, about The Billion Dollar Secret.

About the secrets of billionaires, about their wealth's secrets and you will be able probably to find it also online.

I wanted to tell you today about two things.

One thing is about the amazing success of the book and the other thing is about how you can participate in my next book.

How you can make it possible that you will be named in my next book that will certainly be also very successful.

So, first of all we have reached a global bestseller status with the book already

On the first day of publication we got on bestseller lists in virtually every country around the world.

Then on the next day the book became number one bestseller on Amazon in the States and in Brazil.

And the day after that the number one in the UK, number one in Germany and in Canada and probably in other countries that I don't know about.

Since the publication 2 weeks ago over 150 articles around the globe were published in over 30 countries.

So, I became known as an author and the book became known in many countries and some of them I have even never been to

And nevertheless people write about that and know about that book and I am not talking here about like minor publications

There were several articles on Forbes, CNBC, Yahoo Finance, MSN, on The Telegraph, Business Insider. These kinds of publications.

So, we are talking here about major, global and also international media.

Then the book became the greatest book launch in the history of my publisher.

My publisher has publisher maybe 500 books already and there were some bestsellers from bestselling authors from UK, from US

But none of the books was so successful as my book in every aspect.

In the aspect of sales, in the aspect of bestseller rankings and also as far as the media attention and reach is considered.

And as you see I am on live TV in the greatest, in the biggest national network in the States live in studio

So, you can imagine how successful this book is.

We are generally a global bestseller and now you have the ability / opportunity to be included in my next book.

Of course, if you are a billionaire, then you will be interviewed for that. Contact me.

But if you are not, there is also an opportunity for you.

I will be meeting a billionaire friend of mine, who isn't in the first book. He is a new billionaire that will be included in the second book

I will tell about that in some other video, who he is and introduce him.

But I will be asking him questions about billionaire strategies. I mean what to do in business, how billionaires act in business.

What are the strategies they employ in business.

Because the first book The Billion Dollar Secret was about mentality, about thinking.

How you need to think and who you need to be in order to perform on hat level of success, of business performance.

But the second book will be generally about what you need to do, how you scale to that dimensions and so on, and so on.

And I would like you to ask me specific quesitons that you have in respect to business

And you would like to find out how billionaires answer these questions.

I'll be using some of them in my interviews and the best question that I like, the author of that question will be included in the book in the acknowledgements

I will thank that author for his contribution to this book. So, if you like to brag in the future to your friends, maybe to your children

Maybe to your partner that you contributed to bestseller, because I assume this will be a bestseller as well.

And Rafael, the billionaire magnet is thanking you for your contribution,

Then below this video write in the comment the question that you'd like to ask a billionaire

Okay. That's it for today from New York. I wish you a fantastic day, let's do something extraordinary today!

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