You give directions predicated on someone knowing what the mysterious GB is that I'm supposed to "seed".
I have GB's of memory on my computer. It is hard wired. IN MY COMPUTER.
Explain to me how I can "seed" or 'delegate' memory ON MY COMPUTER, to someone or something else?Good Morning @binda, thanks for that only, I know what a Giga Byte (GB) is in relation to memory.
Navigate to the go-IPFS folder and start config.bat.
Put in the amount of GB you're willing to seed to Dtube.
How can I seed what is on my computer to Dtube? What does that mean? If it means turning over control of a subset of memory on this computer to some external entity, no thanks.
I'm thinking that the video hosting is done HERE on my computer, if so I sorta understand that, but I don't have a lot of spare RAM on this computer. I'm still trying to understand.
Thanks again.
I'm not sure what you mean, if I got a .zip file, how would I have gotten it? Email? If I knew how I got the .zip file, it would help me to know where I may have put it.Hi @rick1
I just did a search of this pc for, no results.
I searched from the start menu as well, still no go.
Sorry I couldn't help. I wish I could.
Good Morning @rick-1
You give directions predicated on someone knowing what the mysterious GB is that I'm supposed to "seed".
I have GB's of memory on my computer. It is hard wired. IN MY COMPUTER.
Explain to me how I can "seed" or 'delegate' memory ON MY COMPUTER, to someone or something else?Good Morning @binda, thanks for that only, I know what a Giga Byte (GB) is in relation to memory.
Navigate to the go-IPFS folder and start config.bat.
Put in the amount of GB you're willing to seed to Dtube.
How can I seed what is on my computer to Dtube? What does that mean? If it means turning over control of a subset of memory on this computer to some external entity, no thanks.
I'm thinking that the video hosting is done HERE on my computer, if so I sorta understand that, but I don't have a lot of spare RAM on this computer. I'm still trying to understand.
Thanks again.
Hey Jerry, I want to setup the local IPFS, but the link is broken, do you still have the .zip file by any means?
I'm not sure what you mean, if I got a .zip file, how would I have gotten it? Email? If I knew how I got the .zip file, it would help me to know where I may have put it.Hi @rick1
The file that you got by clicking on the link that is on this post: "Download go-IPFS for DTube:"
That link is currently not working, and since you commented on this post, I thought you may have downloaded it.
I may have, though I don't recall.
What would that file name look like?
There seem to be active links here, may not be the same thing though
Both articles give the same link, so that one isn't working either, the file should be called "".
Thank you Jerry.
I just did a search of this pc for, no results.
I searched from the start menu as well, still no go.
Sorry I couldn't help. I wish I could.