
@bji1203 I also have a level 3 regular shin-lo (4 cards combined), are you talking about that one?

I want 3 regular Shin-Lo (not gold), My suggestion is 1000 STEEM.

I moved it down to $400 on the market
but I can also gift you the card directly to avoid the market feeI'll do it for 1150 steem @bji1203

I think about it a little bit.
Thank you for your reply.

@bji1203 if you want to buy it today, 1100 is the lowest I can go (because that's me breaking even - you can look at the blockchain history, that's what I paid for it), I don't need the regular shin since I already got 2 gold shin. if not I will move it back to previous price to try and get some profit

Change the price. My plan is changed. Thank you for your concern.

Hey @bji1203 I have 2 gold Shin-Lo, so might be able to lower the price. But steem prices are going up and I paid for it with lots of steem when the prices of steem were lower. How much were you thinking?