- I usually find something online to keep me busy and entertained. It could either be work or just pure entertainment ranging from movies to just cat videos online.
I usually try to educate myself with all the time I get to spend indoors, but nowadays I spend more time on either twitter or steem.
Fortunately or unfortunately, I do not get stuck indoors for too long. - I do not have an issue with recording outdoors in public. I actually like it more than recording indoors. the video quality is much better, the spirits are always high, and there is so much inspiration to find at all times.
I have to, however, record indoors because it gets dark outside pretty quickly, but I never let an opportunity go when I get to record in public.
I really don't care about what people have to say (keep in mind that public vlogging has yet to be a norm in the city that I live in.) But I try to record as minimum people as possible, because not everybody appreciates it and there are a lot of superstitions. Plus, I really do not have the time to waste to ask every single person if they do not mind being recorded. That being said, I second your opinion that if they dont care being on camera, i too do not care.
So I just record and if anybody has a problem with that, I always have a solution.
Thank you and appreciate all the shoutouts and blessings. Everybody, is indeed, very valuable.
Thank you for hosting such an awesome contest and I believe there will be many more joining, thank you @bdcommunity for collaborating in this contest.
@nathanmars check out 15:50, there's something special for you.