Energy And This Universe Responds To Mindful Attention - The Observer Effect

in #dtube7 years ago

Whenever we watch something with our consciousness, it is present in this world. But when we look away, it disappears into zero space. It's called the Observer Effect, and it is completely blowing my mind right now. Check it out.

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Love and light as always,
Boom Shikha aka ‘The Millionaire Hippie’

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The power of consciously focussing our attention on another person or animal and projecting our heart energy .. which is 5000x stronger than our mind energy is huge and very rewarding..heartfield 5,000 x sttronger.jpg Great post shikha .

Good point!! The heart is definitely the best weapon in our arsenal, so to speak. :)

Made a Rainbow video boomshikha :)

Thanks @angelintheworld. :) Appreciate your support.

I am totally into this and have done some posts on it.

Cool!! I love this stuff as well. I'm enamoured with the idea of creating my world, and I am always looking into what else I can create. :)

Quantum Physics 101....and yes it is mind blowing stuff.

The convergence of science and spirituality is occurring.

Yes!! Absolutely. Fascinating stuff. Makes my eyes go twirl in circles at the awesomeness of it all. :)

It probably have to do with the law of atraction. The Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is the Law which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality.
Great post

Thanks!! :) Yeah, I agree partly with the law of attraction being the reason. But I think it's a cause and effect thing. The Observer Effect causes the Law of Attraction to be true, and not the other way around. :) But, we can debate that, of course. This is all speculation on my part, so who knows what's true anymore. :) All I know is that energy matters.

Yes ok, so our conciousness is a important "building block" of the "projection of our reality". If we are not consious the "projector" is switched off and "we see nothing", as our conciousness is the " switch" to turn the "projector" on. Do this make sense :-)

Yes, that definitely makes sense. You are basing it on the 'projector' theory of this world.

Nice post

Thank you for your comment and attention. :)

energy .....................:)

Yes, it is everything!! :)