[Dtube] My visit Inside Genesis Mining

in #dtube8 years ago (edited)

Watch My visit Inside Genesis Mining video on DTube

I got to check out one of the secret Genesis Mining facilities in Iceland. Mia Molnar took me on a tour INSIDE one of the data centers. I got to see for my self their GPUs at work!

Use code "6bXKwD" and get 3% off every purchase on Genesis Mining! https://www.genesis-mining.com/a/287920 🤑


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So Genesis Mining has mines, great marketing, and influencers that profit significantly from convincing other people to join, we also know know about the hard time they're having keeping up with growth and specially with processing payouts.
But how does it compare to other cloud mining services? It would be great to see a piece from @boxmining in that regard.

Great post, hopefully genesis mining can be a stand up company of cloud based mining. We will see, doesnt seem like others have been all that promising. Looks like they have great tech and buildings thought! I will give them that :) Upvoted at 100% on you post! :)

Wow just wow. Amazing, there are lots of GPUs :)

This is something new, glad I came across this vid. thanks!

Lovely... I love this post.....

I actually did a Geneis mining contract just for fun that is gcing me BTC for life.
Great to see a mining "data centre" from the inside.

It stuck on 3:12

i feel like genesis will take over the world soon

That's very interesting, I also signed up for Genesis affiliate program, as it's the best cloud mining proposition.
But the quality of video is not so good, as somebody commented "it stucks"
May be you have it in another quality and you can re-upload it?

Its good. Dtube is slow while loading big videos, be patient

Very interesting! Thanks for the video! Checking out the pricing that is about a $1000 more per 100MH/s than I paid for my rigs, and I had free shipping, plus I own the equipment... when your contract runs out with Genesis you don't own anything! Plus you still have to pay electric on it, it looks like? But I guess a big plus is the maintenance and not having to set it up, not having to deal with the noise, and not having to deal with the heat... I wonder how the electric is billed, do they include billing for cooling?

Plus with Ethereum going to be moving to proof of state with the Metropolis Ethereum update part 1 coming in September with the rewards being reduced from 5 to 3 ether, and then part 2, where there will be a huge difficulty bomb, I wouldn't want to be locked into a contract for that for 2 years! Yikes.

Awesome! :)