Wow.This is an area I'm growing into and would love to get more tips and tricks. Mainly live concerts as well as interviews with musicians and guitar builders. I just did my first live shoot with two cameras a couple of weekends ago and have yet to do an edit. I'll start this weekend.
I'd love to see more tutorial and BTS content from you!
Fantastic man! Thanks for the comment. Yeah I’ve got a fair amount of live filming and editing experience.
That’s great you’re moving in to that area. I’d love to see how your two camera shoot turned out!
Equally, yeah I’d like to do more BTS stuff talking about my work and how I do things :)
Posted using Partiko iOS
Nice one. I'm at the stage where I have to hit Google pretty much every five minutes when I'm using Premiere Pro. I know that'll speed up though. Multicam sequences keep glitching on me!
If you do upload more BTS stuff and you remember, could you please tag me? Otherwise I might not catch it. Thanks.
Of course man, I’ll remember to tag you in stuff that might be relevant to your interests. Cheers mate :)
Posted using Partiko iOS