Affordable Lapel Mic Solution | DTube VLog

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Affordable Lapel Mic Solution | DTube Vlog

My series continues on how to get great sound in your videos. In this video, I talk about an affordable Lapel Mic solution you can use with your phone to get good lapel quality sound and use them into your videos. The Mic is available on amazon for less than $30, and the app for your phone is free from Zoom. Give these tips a try and see if you don't find your audio being a great deal better

With Gratitude,
Captain Bob

Lapel Mic Link:

▶️ DTube

Great video, thanks! I've been thinking about buying the Blue Yeti microphone, but I think I will look into Lapel mics aswell, might be the more appropriate and affordable solution for me!

Both are good mic options, probably just depends on how you want to use it. If you need portability, a Lapel/Lav mic is much better in my opinion.

Hey buddy, can you post the link to the mic? I want to pick one up!

Yeah guess I totally forgot to put the link in the description :)

Hey @captainbob, this is great!! I've been wanting to get myself some lapel mics for my business interview sessions, so this is really handy. Quick question: This works for you as an iOS user (iPhone and iTunes). How about Android users? Do they work the same too?

Great question. I'm unsure if Zoom has an app available for android, but if they do, the name of it is HandyRecorder.

Awesome! I'll check it out then. Thanks for the help @captainbob, you've been super helpful with technical stuffs like these!