Time to buy Birdchain
Birdchain is now available on a Exrate Exchange, An exchange with a
Coinmarketcap of about $400 millions plus and also found on cmc top list of exchnage with liquidity.
Now is the time to add Birdchain token into your portfolio since it's still below penny.
SMS expansion:
Birdchain SMS live traffic will start this week And Birdchain will add the following
country Philippines, Italy, Malasya, France, Cameroon and Germany to be able to sell
their SMS.
Also Birdchian got some New contest to be announced in December, This contest will have
a real impact on the App activity. Along with New referral special bonus in December.
You can now Buy Birdchain token on the following exchanges, hope you know new good
exchnage is coming.
Exrate Market
IDEX market
Mercatox exchange
p2pb2b exchange