2017 is almost over and usually at the end of the year you can get decent price drop for different kind technologies like 4k TVs.
Here are few basic tips of what you should look at when you but a 4k TV. I won't go full details just some "basic" info so that you would have better knowledge of what you want to buy and what you expect.
- HDR / Dolby Vision
Your 4k TV MUST have at least HDR. To make sure it has HDR, you should look at models from 2016 and up.
In short it makes your image quality better, more natural thanks to better image exposure. HDR signal is for whole movie for example and Dolby Vision is for each frame.
- Panel
The best one is OLED then LCD+LED and then LCD. Samsung released their QLED, but is is worse then OLED.
OLED - each pixel is 1 diode which has its own color filter so each pixel is independent from another = better colors
LCD+LED from the worst:
- illuminated edges with LED
- whole panel is illuminated with LED
- whole panel is illuminated with LED + local dimming for better black
LCD from the worst: - TN - standard
- VA
- IPS or PLS
Whats important is it MAKE SURE IT IS 10-bit PANEL (or better). Real HDR will be on 10-bit panel not 8-bit because of color range. With 10-bit color, you get 1024 shades of each primary color, and over a billion possible colors instead of 256 on 8-bit
- Inputs
At least one HDMI 2.0 - for 4k 60fps (and HDR), USB 3.0 (if you need one) so on and so forth
- Size of your panel
The bigger the better. My suggestion is to get AT LEAST 65'' for the best 4k experience. If you don't have space in your place, then get the biggest you can. For example the one I have rite now - KS7000 - is 50'' and it was the biggest I could put in that spot where I wanted to have my TV. Get even 75'' if you have place.
- Price
It is not the most important factor but it's the last thing you need in your life then a huge TV which will make you bankrupt and you will end up homeless, so make sure it is in your price range. I prefer to buy my stuff for cash.
- Flat or Curved
If you want to watch movies, play games with other people, friends, family then my suggestion is to get flat.
If it's more just for you, then get curved. Curved gives you better depth of field but there is a small and narrow area where you should sit.
Here are some of my suggestions for really good TVs:
LG OLED B6, LG OLED B7, Samsung KS7000, or KS8000, or KS9000, JS9000
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oo, Wujek Kario uczy, jak kupować dobry telewizorek :D a jak tam kąty widzenia? czerń i biel jak wyglądają? ile hercy i jaka rozdzielczość? no i jakie ma dokładnie wejścia? :P to chyba też się liczy :P
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